Recent Content by reigi-kun

  1. reigi-kun
    That would make sense. Thank you, I think I can sleep soundly now. xD Kinda sad that this entertained me for a full day.
    Post by: reigi-kun, Jul 19, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. reigi-kun
    xDDD You guys are awesome! & That would be the most epic Pokemon EVER.
    Post by: reigi-kun, Jul 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. reigi-kun
    I DON'T KNOW! Dx She likes to send me things to screw with my strange fears, so she sends me crap like this. But seriously people, I wanna know what that is. xD
    Post by: reigi-kun, Jul 18, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. reigi-kun
    My friend Jamie sent me this.

    Is that baby trapped inside crusty lettuce? What the hell is that? xD
    Thread by: reigi-kun, Jul 18, 2009, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. reigi-kun

    yugioh 5ds

    I thought it was really stupid at first, but then it grew on me. xP Not to mention it has amazing music from Kra and alice nine.
    Post by: reigi-kun, Jul 18, 2009 in forum: Anime and Manga
  6. reigi-kun

    Saw V

    oh my god, another one?
    why would they do this?! D<
    they just need to let the Saw franchise die.
    ...I say this, and yet I'm gonna see it. xD
    Post by: reigi-kun, Sep 27, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  7. reigi-kun
    :D That was the coolest thing I've ever seen.
    Post by: reigi-kun, Sep 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. reigi-kun
    - Porcelain dolls. xD;;
    - Needles.
    - Being alone forever.
    That's pretty much it.
    Post by: reigi-kun, Sep 4, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  9. reigi-kun
    Axel. Oh god, I almost cried. And I don't cry over anything. ;-;
    Post by: reigi-kun, Sep 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. reigi-kun
    Heh, thanks. I dunno. I was in an awful state of mind but I'm feeling better I guess. I can't go live with my brother anyway because taking a plane from Texas to Oregon is quite a bit of money and all of my money got stolen. I have started cutting myself again though, and I hate doing it, but I can't really stop. That makes me seem crazy... but yeah. I dunno, I guess all I can do for now is keep writing songs because I'm going into the studio soon to record. I suppose that's the only good thing to come from this.

    On an unrelated note, sometimes I get really lightheaded and I start shaking uncontrollably. Does anyone know what can cause that? Um... I don't know of any illness in my family except for Diabetes. Could that cause it?
    Post by: reigi-kun, Sep 3, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. reigi-kun
    things have gotten worse. i got in a huge fight about an hour ago, and i'm still crying now. i cut myself again too. i can't move in with my brother because my dad won't allow. if i try he'll call the cops.

    i don't even know who the hell i am anymore. i just wanna kill myself and get it over with. i was told i wouldn't be missed and i believe it. i lost touch with the few people that meant the most to me in the world and i'm alone again. i don't have a reason to live. i don't know what to do. i just wanna end everything because i know i'm a scum of the earth living without a cause.
    Post by: reigi-kun, Sep 1, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. reigi-kun
    LOVE IT. I need to start making Web Templates. But right now I'm making myspace layouts since that's where the money is. xDD
    Post by: reigi-kun, Aug 30, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. reigi-kun
    Thanks, Repliku.

    You gave some good advice, but unfortunately I can't use most of it. I suppose I should've mentioned that I'm home-schooled, so I can't get involved in any sport or anything because my town doesn't have any social places besides the schools and the community center, which doesn't even offer anything, so I don't even know why we have one. & on top of that I have severe social anxiety, so I'm not good with meeting new people. However, I do write songs and sing, does that count?

    & honestly, since I turned thirteen (currently fifteen) I stopped caring about myself because I've always been treated like trash my entire life. My dad is even going as far to not buy me school books so I can get caught up this year, so I've been studying online... kind of. As much as I can anyway.

    & since the only family member I have is in Oregon, I was thinking about using the money I saved up as a Graphic Designer to go stay with him for awhile. I dunno. I just really wanna get away from here before I try to kill myself again, since I know that suicidal thoughts are on their way.
    Post by: reigi-kun, Aug 29, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. reigi-kun
    So, lately I just don't know what to do. There's so much crap going on right now and it's just not a healthy environment. My parents are getting a divorce because, basically, she ran off with some manwhore. & everytime I try to do something with her, she makes up a phony excuse about how she has to work or something. But whenever my sister or little brother want to do something with her, she's over here in five minutes. It makes me feel worthless. She even told me that she was divorcing my dad on my birthday. And when I said "that's exactly what I want to hear on my birthday" she replied with, "it's your birthday?". Yeah. :/ & everyday, my dad asks me the same question: has your mom been by here today? & the answer is ALWAYS no. & then he yells at me for an hour about how I should just call her. This happens everyday. & I've had a cutting problem since I was twelve (that's a story for another day). I haven't started cutting myself yet, but I've been scratching my arm a lot. I just really need help with all of this. What should I do...? :/
    Post by: reigi-kun, Aug 28, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone