Recent Content by redlion

  1. redlion
    xD i dont know if its toward's me or not but i never said that life suck's
    i only expresed what i tink its the reality sure i point more at what's bad than good but i only said that many people need a reason to continue living as some said in the earlier post's.
    Even me at one point believe that but the truth is I dont have to give excuses now to why should i keep living,I now look diferent on things and maybe i see the world in another point of view, MINE.
    Cause im me, not the dream of someone else,nor ill follow meangless cults or religions to tell how should I live my live, (and no im not a athiets or whatever)
    What i said in my previous post was that some people blame religion/goverment for how we or thw world it self it is, like i said what if there was no religion to begin whit? the same thing where are living right now would have happen anyways just i bit sonner we will still have a "dream/destiny/fate in ourselfs" cause like i said WE dont like to admit that there's someone better than us and when we do whats the first thing we said to our selfs? im gonna beat him 1 day...
    And that mentallity we all have......

    But i never said that live sucks hell no...i have been giving the join of happines/joy/being a father,having friends who i know i cant count on and like everyone else i ad up's and down's thats the beauty of life you allways learn things in the way......"ola hermit said: the end its not what matter,how you chosse to end that counts" if you whana be miserable you entire life and allways blaming other's thats YOUR choise if you whana be happy or a make your life a living hell,which in this day's its seems its easy for what i can see:P

    Like i also said,to said that we were destine to DO something here, then will you told me that the 1000's of children that die cause of illness or hunger they where destined to die? hu!? just trying to make a point......about those who said where are here for destiny or fate,

    If there is ever i could tell that why we are here,since i doubt that anyone will give the right answer,(not me that's for sure) for me its this: Life its a 1 way ticket in which you decide what to make out if it,whether your choice its to be a religious type,or a criminal type or pacifist type, at that end i tink what will matters most will be how you look at yourself at the end of the day and tink about the stuff you did during the day,and to know that whanever you did you felt good about yourself and not what other people whant's you to fell just cause they cannot tink of their own.
    Soo yet again i ask this: What do you believe in? or for better understanding What do YOU believe life its about? ill say whatever makes you happy,
    At least that as work for me and i have never regret it till this day^^
    Post by: redlion, Nov 28, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  2. redlion
    Well ill said this for what i have experience on life my self.......
    I tink that the main problem whit "us" having a purpose/destiny/fate or whatever you whana call it is that,do we really know what's out there for us?
    I mean we all live this live and yet we never tink about what surround us.
    Example1: What if from the begining of "racionality" religion didnt exist? or goverments? i tink it will still happen, just a bit sonner.
    Will the fact its the in "the old days" they wil kill or chase people away for being smart or creative or speak their own mind, why? cause if you where to say "i dont believe in god" all people will say your going to hell...if you where smart creative tinker of why we believe in something that we cant see.... they tink you where the devil's son or something, and this we all know for a fact....
    And even now in this "modern day's" if you where to say "i dont believe in god, or i hate god" many people will say you going to hell right?
    What if we where to find out once your dead there nothing laying ahead of you, that thats it? i tink that the main reason we believe in god or fear satan its cause its not that we are ready to die, but actually afraid of dying and to find out that, that's it, thats the end of the road pal, and you where nothing.

    Still thats the beauty of life there's allways something new to hope for, even if it is under false believe's or not, cause i tink life's its about how good your feel and not what other people tell you should fell like, we have to remember we are individual's meaning we thing by our own free will, still going under this believe can be a little tricky why?
    Simple some people fell good when they have a lot of money,other's by stealing or killing or having power,or figthing or torture or many many thing i can keep saying...still other's feel good while doing other things like helping the comunity/feeding the poor/helping animals/being a police/fireman/medic and all this its just of what we all fell good at....but one thing im sure of most people who are selfish will never do anything to help, and in fact theill make it worst just to be more important....the result creativy comes from greed and thats a fact, why are weapons made? to defend and to obtain more that we you allready have,for fame,for envy and for desperation of how we live, and this does not only apply on in weapons for killing people but tactics to get reachier,to fight, to be better then the other person.....soo after all this you still tink that all that sorruonds us its not the creation of our own greed or darker side then you have to be a complete nincaput....
    The fact we said we have a purpose of coming to Earth, the we where destined to do this or that, for me its a bit complicated to reafirm cause how can you prove that there's god or satan after life? how can you believe in something that you cant see? in that matter how can you prove someone put you here to make a diference?
    Thats life for you at the end depends in what YOU tink about, not what people said you should think or what to hope for, you have power to make your life, to chose what to believe, the fact is we all whana have control over other's or something, like people telling their children they have to be doctors or lawyers or this and that,and we never actually sit down and talk to our children and ask what THEY want to be, when you see a person having a better car/house etc envy him and you wish you have something like that or better.
    But that is just common we allways been like this and I dont tink it will change anytime sonner,I tink that until the world unified in to one power and into one language and to give the same rights to every one, i tink it will be the only solution and i tink that until we reach that day we all gonna keep saying that we come to this earth to have a purpose cause in this times we fell soo useless that we have to have a meaning or a purpose to keep on living cause otherwise why we come here if where are not happy, when we see children diying,when we witness terrorist attacks,when we see how other people are happy and we are not cause they leave better than us,that is why will ask this question's cause we are unhappy whit our current position in life that we need to create hope's and dreams to keep us alive......
    Now my question is what do YOU believe in?
    Post by: redlion, Nov 28, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  3. redlion
    Thx a lot guy's and yeah ill be posting in fact i allready did soo thx a lot
    Post by: redlion, Oct 12, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. redlion
    Sry i didnt read it last night but listen(or rather readi it) war-and-peace said about hormones its no easy to control or in some cases they cant be control, its changes that every1 goes true.
    and no it doesnt make you and out casted or something for that matter, perhaps its going to be hard telling you parent about your tendencies, but that something you yourself gonna have to say for yourself at some point tell them about it...
    About this boy...well i can only tell you this,tell him how you feel nothing bad will happen.....if he like's you he will say yes and if not its not the end of the world you know, cause even if he tell you that your not he's type, it wont matter how much you put yourself down cause he wont change the way he he's, not has much as the way you can never push your self in to a person only because you like him..there as to be mutual felling's other wise youll end up hurting your self even more, soo dont be shy and tell him if he say's no, it does it matter perhaps along the way there will be a better person for you and someone who can understand you for who you are and nothing more, remember you are still young and have plenty of road ahead of you so dont presure yourself soo much ok.....hope i could help you in anyway.

    And for War-and-Peace thx a lot man, its hard passing tru all this but, like i said i wouldint change a thing in my life im happy the way i im and how i live soo far and i cant wait for the day of tomorrow.^^
    I out for now.
    Post by: redlion, Oct 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. redlion
    Hi again,
    I been reading some of the latest post not all cause there soo many...but some are very intersting.....
    This not as much of a problem i have in life right now,but what has happen to me over the last 12 years or soo, and how i come out of many situations almost unharm......
    To sumarise some of my life before this all happen, I was born in Florida,My parent's got divorse while i was 5,after the divorse, i whent on living whit my gradparent's from the dad's side in mexico, i was raised by my grandparent which i love from the bottom of my heart and more than anything, while living whit them, my grandpa start teaching me in music which he work back then(still does) age 12 a recieve a call from my dad which he have allready remarried (3rd time-.-)
    Saying that he whana meet me again and if it could be possible and if i liked i could go live whit him, at the moment i ad a diferent idea how my dad was, as soo i went to go live whit him in california, will the first year i spend whit him i got a cruel reality check, i start it to go to school(which i hate btw)...well being back from mexico i ad forget how to speak inglish little own wrigth and stuff...yet i was there going to school like any other children and of course cause i was the foreing kid(ill do i was born in usa) cause i only speak spanish soo i got pick a lot,bully and all the stuff...not only that but my Stepmother never like me to begin whit,soo at any giving oportunity she will try to push me down and all ways saying how she hate it me and all to top ot all up...i learn the my dad wasnt the good of a person that he pretend it to be, he's was a drug addict/alcoholic/smoker
    yet in he's good moment's he try to be has good has a father he could be..i guess
    the first year i stay whit him and when my grampa return to see how thing's where, he told if i still like to stay and told him not and from then on i travel a lot betwen my year's of 13 to 15.. at age 16 i decide to stay in san diego....and by them i ad better relation whit my dad but not that good since ill do i was still going to school i ad to work to maintain my self since my father couldn it or just give and excuse that i should learn to maintain myself and all that....i dunno if a father should actually tell that to there children yet he did...not to say he's wife still hate's till this day...i ad problem growing up,since i could afford to pay my own rent, i ad to stay in my dad's "friend's" and co-worker's which they used drugs and all of the stuff i have allready mention above....yet i can proudly say that unti this day i have never used drugs......i do drink from time to time but only at party's and sosial event's....but it was harsh, specially if your own dad starts to offer you drugs him self, but i manage to pull out of that, and still when to junior high school...which i got in to many fight's cause of bully's and i tink i grown stronger since my kinder days, but i dont take anything from anyone and im very proud of who and what i im....its been hard growing whit a problematic family like mine,maybe some of you will undestand what it feel... yet i dont feel sry for myself..there have been many times when persons including my own family(dad espesially) tell i could do anything cause i was kindhearted,noble and to good for my own sake sometimes,yet i have proven not to them but to myself that you dont have to be strong to realise what you whant to get what you derserve true pain and hard work.....yet sometimes life does hurt you and sometimes i have feel drepresed....
    5 years ago i got together whit a girl from junior high school,we like each other and all that..1 year later we ad baby girl it was the happiest day of my life i forgot everything that ad happen to me in that instant when i grab my child in my hand's and felt her warmt she was soo cute and all.....infotunatly she was born whit respiratory problem's and 8 months later she die cause of her lung problem's and other complication's....i feel horrible cause of this, i start to blame my self for her dead cause it happen while i was working in another city...and start to say if only i could be there i could have change something and i got i bit depress and start to search some1 to blame,the same thing could be said about my the end we end up seperating ourself's cause we know it wouldt work out even if we try.....3 1/2 year's has pass since that and ill do i cant say the i feel better about it, but i learn many thing from it, it has make me a stronger person in life, yet i dont remember my baby as a bad memory..instead when im down and i bet stress out ill allways see the picture's of my baby girl and see her smile and its like i get my hope's up again and i allways feel better afterwards, i know it might sound silly but i tink shes my guarding angel..... now on day's i spend my life working triying to allways surpase myself if only is little by little, but i know its better this way than do nothing at a serious person when t come's to open my felling's or in that matter my life but little by little i have starting to open more myself toward's people and to share some of my life in hope's that it will help you and to make more friends and not to be lonely cause its hard being true all this and still feel like you cant trust some is harsh, but because i believe inmyself and allways pushing foward, im proud to say i have plenty of friend's both online, as on real life, i run my own bussines as a musician,i feel very good about it, and even soo my life has been i bit hard i woundt change 1 bit of it....i been happy a lot of time's, i been hurt most time's, but if you dont have good and bad moment's how can you distinguis one from another?
    Soo there now you know a little about me, i hope it at least give you some diferent prospective of life.
    If you have a question i dot mind answer it. (just not to complicated cause then my head hurts)
    Thx for reading (if you did >,,<)
    Post by: redlion, Oct 11, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. redlion
    Well this the opinion of me and some of my friend's we chat about in some point during are mettings and hopefully will give a diferent prospective for both side's.
    (coincedentaly its be said here too)

    People who aprove Bush: Why will a president kill there own people to get a excuse to atack afganistan and then irak?
    For a long time its is to said the bush is soo stupid to even talk, how could he plan all this?
    The fault of all this its the clinton administration......
    The Usa atack irak cause it was to believe the have WMD.......
    etc etc etc.....

    Paranoic people or the soo call Conspiracy:
    It was the goverment who did this cause to gain political power to got to war to afganistan and then use a excuse to start ataking irak.....
    Cause if it was a terrorits atak why did the goverment dindt do anything to stoped it, even when there was enough evidence to prove that the atack where eminent?
    And soo many other i can remember very well at the moment......

    My opinion was this and i give my point of view has i see it....

    There's a saying in spanish that say's: Make your self the victim and youll have support in number's.....
    Why will the president kill 3000 people in other to gain political power? a president or a "true american" would never do that......yet how many soldier's have been kill during this war? And for what reason? If dont forget was this war supposed to be to fight terrorism? yet even when we know that irak wasnt a tread at the moment we falsely accused of irak of having terrorim and WAD when there was none to begin whit......yet after all this where is osama bin laden? wasnt he who we where after?
    For me this all to confusing why? cause it is meant to be confusing......lets see i recall a chapter of south park in which they have almost the same problem no? like there where those who aproved of the war and there the one's that dont? let's see i tink that how it goes: The war its need it to show the power of the nation, to show the world that if they try to invaded us or atack us we are prepared(yet when they took down twin tower's all that might and readyness wasnt shown...what you call that? o yeah irony)
    The pasifist's: there meant to show the world,all do we are on war,most people dont aproved of this method, making the Usa more human like, to say we are human's, we do have a heart.....yet here we still are after 4 or 5 year's or soo we still in war,and we are sending more troops to get there self's kill for a what i see a pointless war to begin whit.....
    Why pointless? cause we havent done what we where supposed to do?like i said what was the reason for going to war?
    I speak not has a paranoiad person, but only has i have saw this thing's, i dont have proof to share cause there arent any,
    Just like there's no proof about if the goverment being inocent about all of this....just because there no proof of it, it doesnt mean it didnt happen.A
    bout clinton's admintration...well if we are to blame of what has happen because of all the past admintration's we will ended up puting all the Blame in George Washington.. And that doesnt sound patroitic right?
    Post by: redlion, Oct 10, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  7. redlion
    And if you still dont believe in bush Intelligence here another one,
    no coments..
    Post by: redlion, Oct 10, 2007 in forum: Current Events
  8. redlion
    Hey guy' from Usa but raised in Mexico...
    well you know why im here right?(KH fan but dont tell anyone)well my inglish its a bit rusty since i dont speak it much but i hope you bare it for some time :P.
    As for myself im a Musician and adict both online gaming and Home gaming i tink:@
    I been fan since KH1 and since then im hook up whit every realeased tittle i could get my hand's on...(yeah sounds creepy i know) soo i hope make a lot of friends here.
    Thx in advance....
    Thread by: redlion, Oct 10, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. redlion
    Hey guy's my first post here,
    Im from Usa but raised in Mexico,soo my inglish it a bit rusty but here's my opinion of all this..
    In the usa the soo call "overpopulation" is in fact due pregnancy at a hearly age,yet strange in the majority of the school's we have what its call sex ed, right?
    not only that, but youl see in tv,radio,newspaper,magazine's and internet, of how many way's to talk whit our children about sex and way's to prevent early pregnancy, and that's fact we all know yet,out of a 100 parent's only 30 to 40% will actually talk whit there children at age 15, and out of those 30/40% only 5 to 10% will talk whit them at age 12 or so......and this in the usa, in wich we have a lot of option's and the soo call EDSEX,soo why there are still early pregnancy?

    In the case of other countrie's,like i said i was raise in mexico, much of the guilt of overpopulation its cause of the goverments and the poor planing they do when it comes to solve problem's like education,food supply,medical attention and soo on..
    infortunatly, the people that live in this country, and i say as for family's they put their children to work in the early age instead of sending them to school why? cause you either eat or study, and in the case of a big family where they are 3 or more brother/sister...only one get's to go to school while the other 2 work or drop out of school to help in the house,is a simple of that. and in the end its due to that fact the in this type of country that the goverment dont put attention on the people,cause there more interested in there pockets getting richier then the poor working class.i base this solely in the case of mexico cause i was raised there from 5 to age 15, soo i know what im talking about, in the case of africa and more of this "3rd world country's" as some fellow said, the problem its cause many of them dont have the enough support of the ONU, why? cause they dont have anything to offer,simple as that, cruel but true.

    Now as for the part that we are living longer than the folks of the past..
    well i doubt that, why? its not that we leave longer cause we have better atmosphere,or better not chimical inhance food or water,or better tecnology,no.
    The fact is we are afraid of dead, dont believe me? ill give you and example whit # of reasons:
    1: Instead of fighting like the old day's we resolve our problem's whit word's, thus tru the power of negotiation we avoid war/conflict's, thus less Dead.
    2: Cause, for the goverment (and im not paranoic ok?) kepping you alive its more benefictional to them, cause they get to keep getting your money tru your taxes,medical bill's, gasoline, grocery shopping school's etc etc etc....
    3: Thus i return to the previous, we has people whana live longer cause we whana have are dream's/fantasy's/ilutions/goal's come to life that we are willing to make anything to stay alive, even if it means trowing away your dignity/honor/tradision and pride, in order to be richier, have a better job than the next guy, thus creating envious, jealusy and greed, in wich in this era are more inportant than to be one's self, we whana be like "That guy" and not being our self" we whana have what "That guy has" and we whana earn it fast and easy, but we never consider the possibility of what we truly are, a bunch of greedy person's the in the end when we die we dont take anything and we are forgoten on the passage of time, instead of being in ourself's and making the world a better place for everyone else,we only tink of ourselfs and nothing more.

    but, i tink something good has come out of all of this i suposed, we live longer for those reason's right?.....if not then why are we living longer? when we have so many deseases like aids/cancer/diabetes/nutrition problems i our children/ and many more things i can keep listing?that fact is the in some countries up to 27k children die daily due to poor nutrition and deseases? the fact is, we are living in a poor invoramental state, that we depend soo much in water that we start to filter water from the sea cause our river's are to poluted to drink anymore......

    Has for the person's that kill them self's..well i have nothing to say but.....there just weak minded, they tink their world has crumbling down and they cant do anything about it, and as allways they search for someone to blame cause if their missfortune,or own weakness, and they used such lame excuses when they do...cause there family its poor,cause their bully in school,caue of this and that....
    And im sorry if i hurt someone by saying this but that's how i feel and its the true.
    I hope i dont bore you to Dead, but that what i tink of all this. still nice topic. BB.
    p.s. im new at this and dont know how to make one but can somone give me tips to make a sig or a flash? thx in advanced.
    p.s.2 nevermind i found it -.-
    Post by: redlion, Oct 10, 2007 in forum: Discussion