Guitar Hero 3 (360)- i suk out loud when it comes to hard mode....even some medium...but im a medium player...
Call Of Duty 4 (360)- i rule at that...i snipe, and silence foolz wit my Uzi thats such a cheap slogan...
jus beat Bioshock the other day, got a few Achievements for it too, very nice; i can see y it won game o t3h year. fav naruto would have to be either naruto because of his determination or neji just because his fighting style is the shiznit! lol
name: Styler
Descript: A slightly human looking heartless that can change appearance to look like a character you've met (ff chars., disney chars, etc.)
style: Multiple styles. swordsman, mage, speed, unique (it becomes its true form where it basically looks like <as said above> like a human with claws and a slightly tilted head with a wicked smile with all attack styles.) I'M ONLY GOING OVER ATTACKS FROM UNIQUE FORM BECAUSE IT WILL USE USUAL MOVES FROM NPC CHARS. FROM THE GAME
Screeching Pain- from a distance it lets out an ear-splitting howl stunning sora, allowing it to jump- over and get in a swipe of its claws or (worst of all) a FIghting Style Combo.
Blade Fake- it clearly charges at Sora with blades extending out of the palms of its hands. when close enough it does a sidestep type of motion and slashes Sora from behind.
Fire/Thunder/Ice/Darkness ball- creates a ball from said type from a distance and unleashes it by charging at Sora/Donald/Goofy/etc. and letting it go before getting too close.
Fighting Style Combo- most of the time it will charge the character (without blades) and perform swift fighting combo moves from 20 weak hits to 15 powerful hits!
Reaction Commands:
Muffle- Just before Screeching Pain. Warps behind Styler and covers mouth with hands. watch and laugh at Styler struggle to get away.
Backkick- Used after Muffle. Sora double kicks Styler away, stunning him instead of Sora! :>
Backflip- used after Blade Fake. Sora backflips behind Styler after he sidesteps behind him.
Backstab- Used after Backflip. Sora, well, stabs Styler in the back, damaging it greatly.
my parents care for wat i go on....but they dont really ask what i do.....i would usually say games, so i gess the answer would be a little yes and no.
for the video itself? i think all you do is go to the "my videos" section and hit "edit video info" on the video you want to change the image. Finally it will give you 3 choises ofimages to choose from.
That's very true, Axel's death meant something because he died trying to help Sora save Kiari and to kill the rest of the Org. That and he thought that he could eventually see Roxas again. Him coming back would make it seem like he knew that it would happen or something, you know?
amen to that! plus I h8 Vexen probably just because of the fight u have with him in KH2FM+. his laughing and screaming tormented me ever since that terrible fight....GOD MAKE IT STOP! (lol jk, but seriously he should shuddup.)