Recent Content by Razorl

  1. Razorl
    *My first Fan Fic ever!*
    Also i have premisssion from Ralor To use And besides this is based off an old roleplay me and him did.

    When All Else Is Gone

    Chapter 1: Mysterious People.

    A Man sat at a dusty table in a abandonded library. He was wearing a Cloak that reminded one of pure evil. He was writing in a dusty old tome. "Two Years Have Passed Since That Day" Spoke a Deep Voice. The Voice would remined one of a old master. The Man Stood Up and left the room and headed down the hallway towards the Lobby of the building he was in. "I Wonder where he is now if he still remains after all this time, Raizen Was quite the fool" Spoke The Man, whose name is Revealed to Be Razorl.

    *Chap 1 will be the shortest chapter*
    Thread by: Razorl, May 8, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Razorl
    I Sense a Disturbence in the Force in The Future. A Force unheard for long. It's goals unknown
    Perhaps we shall see this disturbence? Anywho good Story
    Post by: Razorl, May 8, 2008 in forum: Archives
  3. Razorl
    WOOT Good Story Buddy! like the plot cant wait to hear more
    Post by: Razorl, Apr 13, 2008 in forum: Archives
  4. Razorl
    RikuxRepliku is very, very Disturbing
    Post by: Razorl, Mar 13, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts