Recent Content by Raymond1054

  1. Raymond1054
    well get your lazy butt up and turn your ds on look for the rom click it load the game load your save file start the mission and get the bones and feed it to the dog better then waiting
    Post by: Raymond1054, Jun 4, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Raymond1054
    yea i tested that just now it does i think they try to get a fix i will post it here if they find
    Post by: Raymond1054, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Raymond1054
    yes works on flash they in ar format
    Post by: Raymond1054, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Raymond1054
    Here i found the code for the fix cause elixer forgot to add it in
    ::All Keys (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22194014 00000063
    22194019 00000063
    2219401F 00000063
    12194020 00006363
    22194022 00000063
    C0000000 0000000A
    02193FE8 63636363
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000

    Oh and i also found these to:
    ::Chain Never Break
    9209BCEE 0000E584
    0209BCF0 E3A00001
    0209BE08 E3A000FF
    D0000000 00000000

    ::Limit Break Anytime
    9209448E 00001A00
    02094490 E3A00001
    1209497E 0000E3A0
    02096FF8 EA000002
    D0000000 00000000

    ::Limit Break (R+Up ON, R+Down OFF)
    52094B64 EB00023D
    02094980 E3A00001
    D0000000 00000000
    52094B64 EB00023D
    94000130 FEBF0000
    02095034 EA00000F
    D2000000 00000000
    94000130 FE7F0000
    02095034 0A00000F
    D2000000 00000000

    Found Charters modes please back up your save before useing this code:

    Both hero and partner sprite become the same character
    92086EDC 00009006
    9204C1E4 00000002
    12086EDE 000025xx
    D2000000 00000000


    9204C1E4 00000002
    2204CA8F 000000xx
    D0000000 00000000
    9204C1E4 00000080
    2204CA8F 00000000
    D0000000 00000000

    9204C1E4 00000002
    2204CB93 000000xx
    D0000000 00000000
    9204C1E4 00000080
    2204CB93 00000000
    D0000000 00000000

    This is the list just replace the xx with the following values
    00 - Roxas
    01 - Axel
    02 - Xigbar
    03 - Saix
    04 - Xaldin
    05 - Sora
    06 - Demyx
    07 - Larxene
    08 - Lexaeus
    09 - Luxord
    0A - Marluxia
    0B - Riku
    0C - Vexen
    0D - Xemnas
    0E - Xion
    0F - Zexion
    10 - Mickey
    11 - Donald
    12 - Goofy
    13 - Roxas - Dual Wield

    This will give you a dual wield for first hero !
    9204C1E4 00000002
    2204CA8F 00000013
    D0000000 00000000
    9204C1E4 00000080
    2204CA8F 00000000
    D0000000 00000000
    Post by: Raymond1054, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Raymond1054
    i think you just click the same button that you use to activate it i really dont know cause i cant get god mode to work on my r4
    Post by: Raymond1054, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Raymond1054
    what do you mean you useing emu or flash card?
    Post by: Raymond1054, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  7. Raymond1054
    no sorry dude i havent seen any

    Here you go guys this is where i get my codes for kingdom hearts all right go to the creaters of the codes and goes to gbatemp
    Post by: Raymond1054, Jun 2, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  8. Raymond1054
    oh ya sorry they just found out that their was a problem with that cheat dont worry i will got the fixed codes

    This is just for a new one

    :Mission Rank
    :::Used at Own Risk

    ::Legend (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    021937B0 00030000
    D2000000 00000000

    ::Expert (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    021937B0 00020000
    D2000000 00000000

    ::Rookie (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    021937B0 00010000
    D2000000 00000000

    ::Novice (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    021937B0 0004FFFF
    D2000000 00000000

    ::Xemnas (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    021937B0 0003FFFF
    D2000000 00000000

    ::Master (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    021937B0 0002FFFF
    D2000000 00000000

    ::Agent (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    021937B0 0001FFFF
    D2000000 00000000

    And heres the fix

    EDIT: i think what you mean was a KEY item right?
    the item name is ability unit L

    ::All Keys (Select) <- fix
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22194014 00000063
    2219401F 00000063
    22194019 00000063
    12194020 00006363
    22194022 00000063
    C0000000 0000000A
    02193FE8 63636363
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000

    Recipies which are missing would be elixir and last elixir~! damn how could i miss myself :(

    ::All Spell Recipies, Mineral Stones (Select) <- fix
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22193F35 00000063
    22193F37 00000063
    12193F38 00006363
    22193F3B 00000063
    12193F3C 00006363
    22193F3F 00000063
    22193F40 00000063
    22194023 00000063
    12194048 00006363
    2219404A 00000063
    12194052 00006363
    22194054 00000063
    22194059 00000063
    2219405A 00000063
    1219405E 00006363
    02194060 63636363
    02194064 63636363
    12194068 00006363
    2219406B 00000063
    12194032 00006363
    02194034 63636363
    02194038 63636363
    0219403C 63636363
    121940E2 00006363
    121940E4 00006363
    221940E6 00000062
    C0000000 00000008
    02194024 63636363
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000
    Post by: Raymond1054, Jun 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. Raymond1054
    Oh You Welcome and i here they making more cheats their i think their going to make a cheat with unlimited use of limit i will post it here when i check it up
    Post by: Raymond1054, Jun 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  10. Raymond1054

    Hey Use These Codes they work with flash cards

    Credit Goes To elixirdream From Gbatemp

    !!!Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (J)
    !!YKGJ 7F96A5B7

    !Misc Codes
    ::Max Money (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    02193720 000F423F
    D2000000 00000000

    ::Max Heart Points (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    02193724 000F423F
    D2000000 00000000

    !Item Codes

    ::Max Item Slot (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22193F29 000000FF
    D2000000 00000000

    ::Recovery Item (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    12193F2A 00006363
    02193F2C 63636363
    02193F30 63636363
    D2000000 00000000

    ::All Skills (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22193FB4 00000063
    12193FB6 00006363
    12193FCC 00006363
    12193FDC 00006363
    22193FDE 00000063
    22193FE3 00000063
    12193FE4 00006363
    22193F9D 00000063
    12193F9E 00006363
    C0000000 00000004
    02193FA0 63636363
    02193FB8 63636363
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000

    ::All Spell/Magic Upgrades (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    12193F86 00006363
    22193F85 00000063
    22193F9C 00000063
    221940E7 00000063
    121940E8 00006363
    C0000000 00000004
    02193F88 63636363
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000

    ::Backpack Expantion Item (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22193F83 00000063
    22193F84 00000063
    D2000000 00000000

    ::All Upgrades (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22193F67 00000063
    02193F68 63636363
    02193F6C 63636363
    221940ED 00000063
    121940EE 00006363
    D2000000 00000000

    ::All Accessories (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    121940F2 00006363
    C0000000 0000000C
    021940F4 63636363
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000

    ::All Spell Recipies, Mineral Stones (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22193F35 00000063
    22193F37 00000063
    12193F38 00006363
    22193F3B 00000063
    12193F3C 00006363
    22193F3F 00000063
    22193F40 00000063
    22194023 00000063
    12194048 00006363
    2219404A 00000063
    12194052 00006363
    12194054 00000063
    1219405E 00006363
    02194060 63636363
    02194064 63636363
    12194068 00006363
    2219406B 00000063
    12194032 00006363
    02194034 63636363
    02194038 63636363
    0219403C 63636363
    121940E2 00006363
    121940E4 00006363
    221940E6 00000062
    C0000000 00000008
    02194024 63636363
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000

    ::All Keys (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22194014 00000063
    2219401F 00000063
    12194020 00006363
    22194022 00000063
    C0000000 0000000A
    02193FE8 63636363
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000

    !Battle Codes
    ::Chain 9999 (Select)
    :::Need a screen refresh to see the changes
    94000130 FFFB0000
    021A7444 0000270F
    D2000000 00000000

    ::HP Never Decrease
    020AC720 E1A00000

    !Movement Codes

    ::Hold Y for Walkthrough
    0202DC94 EBFFFA7E
    94000136 FFFD0000
    0202DC94 E1A00000
    D0000000 00000000

    ::Hold R+B to Float at Highest Point
    94000130 FEFD0000
    221A9C71 000000FF
    D2000000 00000000

    :Speed Modifier

    ::Speed x 1.5
    520AC810 E1A04001
    020AC810 E3A04B06
    D0000000 00000000

    ::Speed x 2
    520AC810 E1A04001
    020AC810 E1A04081
    D0000000 00000000
    Post by: Raymond1054, Jun 1, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  11. Raymond1054
    sorry body you cant that why you must back up your save file before useing your cheats
    Post by: Raymond1054, May 31, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  12. Raymond1054
    wait did you activate it while selecting your mission?
    Post by: Raymond1054, May 31, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  13. Raymond1054
    Happens To Me to idk Why
    Post by: Raymond1054, May 31, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  14. Raymond1054
    Credit Goes To elixirdream From Gbatemp

    !!!Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days (J)
    !!YKGJ 7F96A5B7

    !Misc Codes
    ::Max Money (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    02193720 000F423F
    D2000000 00000000

    ::Max Heart Points (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    02193724 000F423F
    D2000000 00000000

    !Item Codes

    ::Max Item Slot (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22193F29 000000FF
    D2000000 00000000

    ::Recovery Item (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    12193F2A 00006363
    02193F2C 63636363
    02193F30 63636363
    D2000000 00000000

    ::All Skills (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22193FB4 00000063
    12193FB6 00006363
    12193FCC 00006363
    12193FDC 00006363
    22193FDE 00000063
    22193FE3 00000063
    12193FE4 00006363
    22193F9D 00000063
    12193F9E 00006363
    C0000000 00000004
    02193FA0 63636363
    02193FB8 63636363
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000

    ::All Spell/Magic Upgrades (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    12193F86 00006363
    22193F85 00000063
    22193F9C 00000063
    221940E7 00000063
    121940E8 00006363
    C0000000 00000004
    02193F88 63636363
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000

    ::Backpack Expantion Item (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22193F83 00000063
    22193F84 00000063
    D2000000 00000000

    ::All Upgrades (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22193F67 00000063
    02193F68 63636363
    02193F6C 63636363
    221940ED 00000063
    121940EE 00006363
    D2000000 00000000

    ::All Accessories (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    121940F2 00006363
    C0000000 0000000C
    021940F4 63636363
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000

    ::All Spell Recipies, Mineral Stones (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22193F35 00000063
    22193F37 00000063
    12193F38 00006363
    22193F3B 00000063
    12193F3C 00006363
    22193F3F 00000063
    22193F40 00000063
    22194023 00000063
    12194048 00006363
    2219404A 00000063
    12194052 00006363
    12194054 00000063
    1219405E 00006363
    02194060 63636363
    02194064 63636363
    12194068 00006363
    2219406B 00000063
    12194032 00006363
    02194034 63636363
    02194038 63636363
    0219403C 63636363
    121940E2 00006363
    121940E4 00006363
    221940E6 00000062
    C0000000 00000008
    02194024 63636363
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000

    ::All Keys (Select)
    94000130 FFFB0000
    22194014 00000063
    2219401F 00000063
    12194020 00006363
    22194022 00000063
    C0000000 0000000A
    02193FE8 63636363
    DC000000 00000004
    D2000000 00000000

    !Battle Codes
    ::Chain 9999 (Select)
    :::Need a screen refresh to see the changes
    94000130 FFFB0000
    021A7444 0000270F
    D2000000 00000000

    ::HP Never Decrease
    020AC720 E1A00000

    !Movement Codes

    ::Hold Y for Walkthrough
    0202DC94 EBFFFA7E
    94000136 FFFD0000
    0202DC94 E1A00000
    D0000000 00000000

    ::Hold R+B to Float at Highest Point
    94000130 FEFD0000
    221A9C71 000000FF
    D2000000 00000000

    :Speed Modifier

    ::Speed x 1.5
    520AC810 E1A04001
    020AC810 E3A04B06
    D0000000 00000000

    ::Speed x 2
    520AC810 E1A04001
    020AC810 E1A04081
    D0000000 00000000

    Post by: Raymond1054, May 31, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  15. Raymond1054
    yea didnt work for me to so idk i aint no expert
    Post by: Raymond1054, May 31, 2009 in forum: Code Vault