It's a shame, that even despite this great news I'm still sad about the lack of knowledge about KH3, some sites estimate its release 2009/10 and I keep feeling like I should bang my head on my desk every time I think about it.
but thanks for the updiate, as soon as it comes out I have warned my friend that I may be stealing their PSP and there's nothing they can do to stop me! MWAHAHAHAAA!!! *cough*
I played my own made music video to my friends at school, and all five of them made no comment when it came to Sora, but whenever Roxas was on the scream they'd give a girly scream and start exclaiming how 'cute' and 'hot' he was.
these people have hardly even heard of manga, anime, or roll playing games, and even they knew what was hot xD
most people like to think that Sora or Roxas (if he had a last name) would be Hikari or Igarashi or something like that (Or strife if they make cloud his brother o.o;;)
well actually... the top five of the week doesn't necessarily have 'top five who haven't been in the top five in any other week' in its title. o.O;; when ARE they going to get updated anyway? is he on holidays?
now I just have to make a decision as to whether to include all the dead members of organization 13 Dx cause that would take it out of context then....