OOC:// Sorry, everyone! Yes, Akino, you're accepted, and I'll add you shortly. Again, sorry for my disapearance! =]
Jynxx tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. She found the silence... Welcoming. It was much easier being silent than talking-- after all, when you were talking, you had to think about if the person you were talking to agreed with what you were saying or not. Anyway, she liked it, and fell into a contented, tranquil mood as she slid to the floor.
Jynxx watched Rexejon walk away. So, he couldn't handle people either, huh? Well, that was one thing she had in common with another member. Sort of.
She glanced up as Xylia walked up. She blinked and nodded a hello, a bit... Well, afraid to say anything else. Sure, she was confident when she was fighting, but Jynxx was only witty and conversational when she knew the person and the topic-- never one or the other.
Firefly151 brought up an interesting point for me.
If they didn't have emotions, could they actually be evil? Could someones actions make them evil, or do they have to be evil on the inside, too? Unless they could be evil because of the fake emotions they had, but then, wouldn't that make the "evil" acts they committed fake?
However, the fact that the acts they attributed were very real sort of dims that down, so I can't really be sure.
Jynxx's dark eyes fell upon Rexejon as she approached. Her slender body hesitated; being around people was not her strong suit, as she never really ever got around to making good conversations. She had never been able to make conversation. It was not a God-given talent she had been blessed with, unlike some other people in this world. Maybe it came with being a Nobody; the feeling that she wasn't all that great at making friends. No matter what it was, it always made her stop and think twice before making contact with anyone-- even her fellow Organization-mate.
"Hi, Rexejon," she said softly, blinking slightly and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. Her eyes lifted once more and fell upon yet another Organization member-- Xiomara. Jynxx gave a gentle nod and a smile in the direction of the other member. She was, once more, in an awkward position. Should she say hi to Xiomara too? Or would that put Rexejon in an insulted position? How was she supposed to know how a normal conversation went? Jynxx's brow furrowed as she sighed in slight frustration.
Jinx walked down the hallway, her caramel-colored haired let loose to her shoulders. Her dark eyes traveled, bored, to every place in front of her; she needed to find something to do, even if it was a job.
Yes, I agree with that. How they were just wanting to have feelings and hearts and such. <3
I think that. Well, the Organization is evil depending on how you view what "evil" really is. For example; what IS evil? Just an absence of good? Or is it a series of events that show you in an evil light? =]
Alright, I wanna know what you peoples think about the Fable games. <3
Truth be told, I haven't played the second one yet, because I'm still waiting to go and get it (I pre-ordered it! =]) but I've seen a lot of videos and read a lot about it. ^^
The first game was really fun for me... I thought it was pretty cool, because what you did decided how good or bad your were, and you could be a villain or hero. <3 Normally, in video games, you're automatically the hero, and since I have a thing for villains, it was a lot of fun for me to be a villain every now and then. C:
So. What do you all think about it? =3
Thread by: PyroLover,
Nov 4, 2008,
7 replies,
in forum: Gaming
This is the question I've been wondering for quite a while. Was the Organizatin truly evil, as Sora thought? Or was he just too... Well, blind, I suppose, to notice how non-evil (o_O?) they really were?