Recent Content by Pumas45

  1. Pumas45
    try to read the rest of the thread from begining to end to find out why it's not possible... at least yet.
    Post by: Pumas45, Jul 20, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Pumas45
    hm...the req for the Last Episode in proud is collecting the XR but during the Battle report (on any character) and there should be a message telling you about the save file (just check "yes" on everything).... That's how it happened to me, but it does mess up if you have 2 saves (1 completed Terra for example and the 2nd terra missing 1 XR)
    Post by: Pumas45, Jul 11, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Pumas45
    Idk... maybe when coding mess with the game's files anyways? when messing with character's clothing (Ven in KH2FM+) led to making bosses to allies to playable characters?

    Coding will mess. Also, as long as the coders don't use propertary codes (from SE or DSNY), the coders are not doing nothing wrong and the companies are not offended =] ...

    PSP coding is another issue not allowed in the forums so let's just can it from now on, expect/work on codes, and that's it, no?
    Post by: Pumas45, Jul 8, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Pumas45
    Now let's hope BbS for NA / EU do not come shipped with 6.30 like BbS JP with 6.20 (making a jump from 6.00) ... If that happens, codes for such version will not come out until the game gets *fixed* and might take a while... =[
    Post by: Pumas45, Jul 5, 2010 in forum: Code Vault