Recent Content by Psybin

  1. Psybin
    I am Agnostic. While i believe that religion is useless for those strong in mind and heart, it does serve a purpose for those who need constant reassurance in the grand design.

    I believe that there more than likely is a greater "being" of some sort. whether it's some dude who looks like Zeus or some form of something we could never dream of comprehending...i don't know.

    I play video games but am not an aetheist.

    I refuse to believe in a religion that has man made rules of how you must conduct yourself. the only good thing that came from religion is morality. but we all have a sense of what is right and what is wrong.

    i believe the point of this question is moot. whether gamers tend to be agnostic or aethiest, I believe has nothing to do with videogames themselves but rather that gamers tend to have much more open minds. and refuse to be boxed in by something so strict as a religion.

    For all you who have said you are catholics or christians or what have you. i would imagine the majority of you are not strict in your practices. otherwise you would naturally abhore the violence and mysticism found in most games.

    I'd be very interested to read you're replies.

    so, in short. i agree.
    Post by: Psybin, Apr 18, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  2. Psybin
    Linkin Park AMV's

    i disagree with shadowjak, Linkin park has great rythm in their songs and hard hitting beats that make it easy tp sync a video to; and great lyrics. i say keep em coming. (although some variety would be nice)

    i thought it was great to add the khIII trailer in the 2nd place vid.

    Love that vid.
    Post by: Psybin, Apr 18, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates