Recent Content by psxman
I'd call digit 3 "Fly On The Wall" camera angle though, as it sticks, and doesn't follow Sora, unless you're fighting and lock-on to something. -
Yeah, that's what I was getting at.
The fact that it can take up a whole screen is usually a good indication of that kind of thing. -
The_One_Man7, it might help others to add little notes for those that have you stuck in the scenery without escape. (example below, Stuck In Ground). Or have I completely missed out on a code that'll prevent this from happening?
I found a few locations here and there based on Twilight Town (02)
Code:03 = Backalley 11 = Mansion - Library SIG 12 = Mansion - The White Room SIG 13 = Mansion - Basement Hall 14 = Mansion - Basement (in flames, where you fight Axel) SIG 15 = Mansion - Computer Room SIG 16 = Mansion - Basement Corridor SIG 17 = Mansion - Pod Room SIG 18 = On The Train SIG 19 = The Tower SIG 1A = Tower - Entryway SIG 1F = Tower - Wayward Stairs SIG 21 = Station of Calling SIG 22 = Station of Awakening SIG 23 = The Mysterial Train 24 = Tunnelway (black) SIG 25 = Underground Concourse 26 = Tower - Wayward Stairs 27 = Tower - Wayward Stairs SIG 28 = Betwix and Between SIG 29 = Garden outside of mansion SIG 2A = Freezes 2B = Freezes
Also, Roxazthelight, you sig is Far too big. -
Raw Joker code:
D034D45C 0000xxxx
FFEF= up
FFDF= right
FFBF= Down
FF7F= left
finish off the Joker code with you button of choice, convert it (if you need to) and then put that before the code you want it to joker. Then once you press the button of choice, and enter a new area, the code below the joker will kick in. -
Just so no one ends up wasting their time finding Character Mod digits that've already been found..
Code:Digit 0000 - "Freeze" 0001 - Böllerwampe / Fat Bandit (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0002 - Schizo-Spuk / Trick Ghost (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0003 - Schoßhund / Rabid Dog (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0004 - Flederhaken / Hook Bat (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0005 - Magus Magnus / Bookmaster (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0006 - Blauer Baron / Aeroplane (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0007 - Bombenmolch / Minute Bomb (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0008 - Hammerlakai / Hammer Frame (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0009 - Zentaurier / Assault Rider (Gegner! / Enemy!) 000A - Schreck-Geck / Nightwalker (Gegner! / Enemy!) 000B - Wahrsagerin / Fortuneteller (Gegner! / Enemy!) 000C - Mondräuber / Luna Knight (Gegner! / Enemy!) 000D - Retro-Raser / Hot Rod (Gegner! / Enemy!) 000E - Böllerbolzen / Cannon Gun (Gegner! / Enemy!) 000F - Schädelbulle / Living Bone (ohne Schamane / without Shaman) (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0010 - Transbot / Devastator (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0011 - Lanzensoldat / Lance Soldier (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0012 - Drilling / Mole Driller (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0013 - Shamane / Shaman (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0014 - Flugboxer / Aerial Knocker (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0015 - Shan-Yu (Boss!) 0016 - Hayabusa (Shan-Yus Falke / Shan-Yu's Falcon) (Boss!) 0017 - Fackelständer/ Standing Torch (Objekt / Object) 0018 - Blaue Barriere / Blue Barrier (Objekt / Object) 0019 - Nebelkugel / Mist Sphere (Objekt / Object) 001A - "Unsichtare Rüstung" / "Invisible Armor" (Objekt / Object) 001B - "Freeze" 001C - "Freeze" 001D - "Freeze" 001E - Gulliver-Kanone (Objekt / Object) 001F - Unruh / Cogsworth 0020 - Lumiere 0021 - Madame Pottine / Mrs. Potts 0022 - Madame Kommode / Armoire The Wardrobe 0023 - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0024 - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0025 - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0026 - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0027 - Hercules (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 0028 - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0029 - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 002A - "Freeze" 002B - "Freeze" 002C - "Freeze" 002D - "Freeze" 002E - "Freeze" 002F - "Freeze" 0030 - "Freeze" 0031 - "Freeze" 0032 - "Freeze" 0033 - "Freeze" 0034 - "Freeze" 0035 - "Fels mit Ringen" / "Rock with Rings" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0036 - "großes goldenartige Tor" / "big goldenlike Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0037 - "großes goldenartige Tor" / "big goldenlike Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0038 - "große Unterwelt Tor" / "big Underworld Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0039 - "großes grünes Tor" / "big green Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 003A - "Ketten-Ding" / "Chain-Thing" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 003B - "Münzenartiges Ding auf dem Boden" / "Coinlike thing on the ground" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 003C - Pech & Schwefel Pokal / Panic & Pain Cup (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 003D - "Freeze" 003E - "Freeze" 003F - "Freeze" 0040 - "Freeze" 0041 - "Freeze" 0042 - "Freeze" 0043 - "Freeze" 0044 - "Freeze" 0045 - "Freeze" 0046 - "Freeze" 0047 - Silberling / Silver Rock (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0048 - Saphirling / Emerald Blues (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0049 - Purpurling / Crimson Jazz (Gegner! / Enemy!) 004A - Luftpirat / Air Pirate (Gegner! / Enemy!) 004B - Freudenspender / Bulky Vendor (Gegner! / Enemy!) 004C - Kugelfeuer / Fiery Globe (Gegner! / Enemy!) 004D - Würfeleis / Icy Cube (Gegner! / Enemy!) 004E - "Freeze" 004F - "Freeze" 0050 - "Freeze" 0051 - Axel (Twilight Town, 2. Kampf) (Boss!) 0052 - "Freeze" 0053 - "Freeze" 0054 - Sora 0055 - Sora (hero form/Valor form) 0056 - Sora (way form/Wisdom form) 0057 - Sora (master form/master form) 0058 - Sora (Ãœber-Form/final form) 0059 - Sora (anti-form) 005A - Roxas 005B - Micky (with Kutte/with robe) 005C - Donald 005D - Goofy 005E - Beast 005F - Jack (Halloween Town) 0060 - Jack (Christmas town) 0061 - Simba 0062 - Aladdin 0063 - Mulan 0064 - Ping 0065 - Auron 0066 - Sparrow 0067 - King trailer/Kingdom key (dummy) 0068 - Star loyalty/Oath Keeper (dummy) 0069 - Note Irish/Oblivion (dummy) 006A - Glitchy KHI Ultima (dummy) 006B - Glitchy KHI Ultima (dummy) 006C - Magic wand (dummy) 006D - Knight shield (dummy) 006E - Sign (dummy) 006F - Bent sword (dummy) 0070 - Battle companion (dummy) 0071 - Ancestor sword (dummy) 0072 - Mushu (dummy) 0073 - Dead head sword (dummy) 0074 - Mickys key sword (dummy) 0075 - Nothing? 0076 - Gigg Schack (opponent! /Enemy!) = Driller mole 0077 - Gigg Schack (opponent! /Enemy!) 0078 - Schattenschalk (opponent! /Enemy!) 0079 - Tetrabot (opponent! /Enemy!) 007A - Morning star (opponent! /Enemy!) 007B - Tornado dancer (opponent! /Enemy!) 007C - Crescendo (opponent! /Enemy!) 007D - Schauderplanze (opponent! /Enemy!) = Minute Bomb 007E - Oogie Boogie (Boss!) 007F - Fear (Boss!) 0080 - Fear (Boss!) 0081 - Fright (Boss!) = Barrel 0082 - Carpet/Carpet 0083 - “Freeze” 0084 - “Freeze” 0090 - Some kind of cart 0091 - Gem from Agrabah 0092 - random grey platform 0093 - Statue that holds Gem 0094 - Goofy 0095 - a door of some kind 0096 - A jar (Agrabah?) 0097 - Genie lamp 0098 - Top of a building (agrabah) 0099 - a pot/jar (agrabah) 00A0 - Ariels Sister 00A1 - fish playing flute 00B5 - TNBC Bathtub 00C0 - Freeze 00C1 - Freeze 00C2 - Freeze 00C6 - Freeze 00C7 - Freeze 00C8 - Hero form/Valor form (dummy) 00C9 - Diz (dummy) 00CA - Hooded Mickey (dummy) 00CB - Pete (dummy) 00CD - Megra (dummy) 00CE - Auron (dummy) 00CF - Hades (dummy) 00D0 - Beast (dummy) 00D1 - Belle (dummy) 00D2 - Genie (dummy) 00D3 - Jasmin (dummy) 00D4 - Captain Li Shang 00D5 - Mulan (dummy) 00D6 - Ping (dummy) 00D7 - Mushu (dummy) 00D8 - Christmas Jack (dummy) 00D9 - Sparrow (dummy) 00DA - Bahemoth (dummy) 00DB - Wayvern (dummy) 00DC - Armored Knight (dummy) 00DD - Surveilance Robot (dummy) 00DE - some kind of note. 00DF - Nothing 00E0 - naimine doll 00E1 - Struggle Trophy 00E2 - Red struggle gem 00E3 - Blue struggle gem 00E4 - Yellow struggle gem 00E5 - Green struggle gem 00E6 - Twilight Town train 00E7 - Freeze 00E8 - Freeze 00E9 - Freeze 00EA - Freeze 00EB - Freeze 00EC - Schoolgirl Kairi (dummy) 00ED - Diz (dummy) 00EE - Org XIII member (dummy) 00EF - Pete (dummy) 00F0 - Org XIII member (dummy) 00F1 - Freeze 00F2 - Freeze 00F3 - Freeze 00F4 - Freeze 00F5 - Freeze 00F6 - Freeze 00F7 - Freeze 00F8 - Freeze 00F9 - Freeze 00FA - Freeze 00FB - Freeze 00FC - Freeze 00FD - Freeze 00FE - Freeze 00FF - Freeze 0100 - Freeze 0101 - Freeze 0102 - Freeze 0103 - Freeze 0104 - Sora (Kingdom Hearts I) (Dummy) 0105 - Donald (Dummy) 0106 - Goofy (Dummy) 0107 - disney style goofy (dummy) 0108 - Sora (dummy) 0109 - Halloween Town Sora (dummy) 010A - Axel (dummy) 010B - Freeze 010C - "Freeze" 010D - "Freeze" 010E - "Freeze" 010F - "Freeze" 0110 - "Freeze" 0111 - "Freeze" 0112 - "Freeze" 0113 - "Freeze" 0114 - "Freeze" 0115 - "Freeze" 0116 - "Freeze" 0117 - "Freeze" 0118 - "Freeze" 0119 - "Freeze" 011A - Li Shang (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 011B - Yao (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 011C - Chien-Po (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 011D - Ling (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 011E - Der Kaiser von China / Emperor of China (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 011F - Chinesischer Soldat / Chinese Soldier (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 0120 - Chinesischer Soldat 2 / Chinese Soldier 2 (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 0121 - Mushu (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 0122 - "kleiner roter Drache" / "tiny dark red Dragon" (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 0123 - "kleiner Drachenkopf" / "tiny Dragon Head" (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 0124 - "Feuerwerk" / "Firework" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0125 - "Shan-Yus Schwert" / "Shan-Yus Sword" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0126 - "großes rotes Palasttor" / "great red Palace Gate" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0127 - Li Shang 0128 - Auron (NPC) (ohne Schwert / withouth Sword) 0129 - "Stift?" / "Pen?" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 012A - Hades (seltames Verhalten / strange behavior) 012B - "Freeze" 012C - "Freeze" 012D - Klappersoldat / Soldier (Gegner! / Enemy!) 012E - Schattenlurch / Shadow (Gegner! / Enemy!) 012F - Adowampe / Large Body (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0130 - Propellerdrohne / Rapid Thruster (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0131 - Schatten-Infanterist / Armored Knight (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0132 - Wachroboter / Surveillance Robot (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0133 - Twilight-Dorn / Twilight Thorn (Boss!) 0134 - Dragoner / Dragoon (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0135 - Meuchler / Assassin (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0136 - Samurai (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0137 - Scharfschütze / Sniper (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0138 - Tänzer / Dancer (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0139 - Berserker (Gegner! / Enemy!) 013A - Spieler / Gambler (Gegner! / Enemy!) 013B - Beschwörer / Sorcerer (Gegner! / Enemy!) 013C - Beschwörer v2 / Sorcerer v2 (Gegner! / Enemy!) 013D - Kriecher / Creeper (Gegner! / Enemy!) 013E - Dämmerling / Dusk (Gegner! / Enemy!) 013F - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0140 - "kleine Schatzkiste" / "little treasure chest" (Das Land der Drachen / Land of the Dragons) (Objekt / Object) 0141 - "kleine Schatzkiste" / "little treasure chest" (Ort des Erwachens / Station of Serenity) (Objekt / Object) 0142 - "kleine Schatzkiste" / "little treasure chest" (Agrabah) (Objekt / Object) 0143 - "kleine Schatzkiste" / "little treasure chest" (Space Paranoids) (Objekt / Object) 0144 - "Schatzkiste" / "Treasure Chest" (Objekt / Object) 0145 - "Schatzkiste" / "Treasure Chest" (Space Paranoids) (Objekt / Object) 0146 - "Freeze" 0147 - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0148 - "arabisches Schild" / "arabian Sign" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0149 - "Schatzbox" / "Treasure Box" (Objekt / Object) 014A - Abu (mit Edelstein / with Gem) 014B - "zerstörbarer Fels" / "destructable Rock" (Reaktionskommando / Reaction Command) (Objekt / Object) 014C - "zerstörbarer Fels" / "destructable Rock" (Reaktionskommando / Reaction Command) (Objekt / Object) 014D - "zerstörbarer Fels" / "destructable Rock" (Reaktionskommando / Reaction Command) (Objekt / Object) 014E - "Feuerwerk" / "Firework" (Objekt / Object) 014F - "Feuerwerk (Rakete)" / "Firework (Rocket)" (Objekt / Object) 0150 - "Drive-Kugel Wagon" / "Drive Orb Wagon" (Objekt / Object) 0151 - "Windritt" (Reaktionskommando / Reaction Command) 0152 - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0153 - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0154 - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0155 - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0156 - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0157 - "Freeze" 0158 - "Funke?" / "Sparkle?" (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0159 - "Weißes Feuer" / "White Fire" (Gegner! / Enemy!) 015A - "Freeze" 015B - "Freeze" 015C - Dschafar / Jafar (Djinn) (Boss!) 015D - Hades (1. & 2. Kampf / Battle) (Boss!) 015E - Hades (3. & Paradox Hades Cup-Kampf / Battle) (Boss!) 015F - Zerberus / Cerberus (Boss!) 0160 - Hydra (Boss!) 0161 - Torwächter / Thresholder (Boss!) 0162 - Dunkeltroll / Dark Thorn (Boss!) 0163 - Kettenbalg / Shadow Stalker (Boss!) 0164 - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0165 - Sturmreiter / Storm Rider (Boss!) 0166 - Illuminator (Boss!) 0167 - Karlo / Pete (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Boss!) 0168 - Sora auf Teppich / Sora on Carpet 0169 - Auron (K.O.) 016A - Hercules (Partner!) 016B - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 016C - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 016D - Megara (anfeuernd? / cheering?) 016E - Megara (gefesselt / enchained) 016F - Gargoyle-Ritter / Gargoyle Knight (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0170 - Gargoyle-Krieger / Gargoyle Warrior (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0171 - "Felsbrocken?" / "Rock?" (Objekt / Object) 0172 - "Felsbrocken?" / "Rock?" (Objekt / Object) 0173 - "Felsbrocken?" / "Rock?" (Objekt / Object) 0174 - "Felsbrocken?" / "Rock?" (Objekt / Object) 0175 - "Freeze" 0176 - "Freeze" 0177 - "Freeze" 0178 - "Freeze" 0179 - "Pferdekopf Statue" / "Horse Head Statue" (Objekt / Object) 017A - "Alien Monument" (Objekt / Object) 017B - "Alien Monument 2" (Objekt / Object) 017C - "Karussel" / "Roundabout" (Objekt / Object) 017D - "Freeze" 017E - "Freeze" 017F - "Freeze" 0180 - "Freeze" 0181 - "Freeze" 0182 - "Goldene Hand mit Schwert" / "Golden Hand with Sword" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0183 - "Goldener Statuen Kopf" / "Golden Statue Head" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0184 - "Freeze" 0185 - Das Biest / The Beast (Prinz Klamotten/ Prince Outfit) 0186 - Belle 0187 - Belle (Ball Dress) 0188 - Unruh / Cogsworth (Dummy) 0189 - Lumiere (Dummy) 018A - Madame Pottine / Mrs. Potts (Dummy) 018B - Madame Kommode / Armoire The Wardrobe (Dummy) 018C - Madame Kommode / Armoire The Wardrobe 018D - "Kommode" / "Wardrobe" (Objekt / Object) 018E - "Kuttenmann" / "Man with Coat" (Dummy) 018F - Das Biest / The Beast (Menschen Form / Human Form) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 0190 - "Torwächter Tor" / "Thresholder Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0191 - Das Biest / The Beast (Dummy) 0192 - Belle (Dummy) 0193 - Unruh / Cogsworth 0194 - Lumiere 0195 - Madame Pottine / Mrs. Potts (Dummy) 0196 - "Glocke?" / "Bell?" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0197 - "Ritter Rüstung" 1 / "Knight Armor" 1 (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0198 - "Ritter Rüstung" 2 / "Knight Armor" 2 (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0199 - "Ritter Rüstung" 3 / "Knight Armor" 3 (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 019A - "Ritter Rüstung" 4 / "Knight Armor" 4 (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 019B - "Violettes Holztor" / "Violet Wooden Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 019C - "Braunes Holztor" / "Brown Wooden Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 019D - "Blaues Holztor" / "Blue Wooden Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 019E - "Fenster vom Ball Raum" / "Window from Ball Room" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 019F - "Großes Tor" / "Great Door" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 01A0 - "Blaues Holztor 2" / "Brown Wooden Door 2" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 01A1 - "kleine Pyramide" / "tiny Pyramid" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 01A2 - "1000 Herzlosen Kampffront" / "1000 Heartless Battlefront" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 01A3 - "1000 Herzlosen Kampffront" / "1000 Heartless Battlefront" (Animation) (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 01A4 - "1000 Herzlosen Kampffront" / "1000 Heartless Battlefront" (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 01A5 - "Junge aus Twilight Town" / "Boy from Twilight Town" (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01A6 - ältere Frau / older Woman (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01A7 - kleines Mädchen / little Girl (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01A8 - Mann mit blauem Hemd / Man with a blue Shirt (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01A9 - Typ mit weißem Hemd / Guy with a white shirt (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01AA - Frau mit weißem Rock / Woman with a white Skirt (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01AB - Mädchen mit orangem Rock / Girl with a orange Skirt (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01AC - alte Frau / old Woman (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01AD - alter Mann / old Man (T-Pose / T-Stance) ( (Dummy) 01AE - Marluxia (T-Pose / T-Stance) 01AF - Larxene (T-Pose / T-Stance) 01B0 - Lexaeus (T-Pose / T-Stance) 01B1 - Zexion (T-Pose / T-Stance) 01B2 - Vexen (T-Pose / T-Stance) 01B3 - "Rainbow Naminé" (T-Pose / T-Stance) 01B4 - Marluxia (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01B5 - Lexaeus (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01B6 - Vexen (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01B7 - Naminé (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01B8 - Riku (KHI, Org. Outfit) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01B9 - Riku (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01BA - Kairi (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01BB - Squall / Leon (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01BC - Yuffie (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01BD - Aerith (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01BE - Cid (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01BF - Tidus (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01C0 - Selphi (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01C1 - Wakka (KHI) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 01C2 - "Sternenanhänger" / "Star Chain" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 01C3 - "Sternenanhänger" / "Star Chain" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 01C4 - "Ein Terminal aus Space Paranoids" / "A Terminal from Space Paranoids" (Objekt / Object) 01C5 - "Freeze" 01C6 - "Freeze" 01C7 - "Freeze" 01C8 - "Freeze" 01C9 - "Freeze" 01CA - "Freeze" 01CB - "Freeze" 01CC - "Freeze" 01CD - "Freeze" 01CE - "Freeze" 01CF - "Freeze" 01D0 - "Freeze" 01D1 - "Freeze" 01D2 - "Freeze" 01D3 - "Freeze" 01D4 - "Freeze" 01D5 - "Freeze" 01D6 - "Freeze" 01D7 - "Freeze" 01D8 - "Freeze" 01D9 - "Freeze" 01DA - "Freeze" 01DB - "Freeze" 01DC - "Freeze" 01DD - "Freeze" 01DE - "Freeze" 01DF - "Freeze" 01E0 - "Freeze" 01E1 - "Freeze" 01E2 - "Freeze" 01E3 - "Freeze" 01E4 - "Freeze" 01E5 - "Freeze" 01E6 - "Freeze" 01E7 - "Freeze" 01E8 - "Freeze" 01E9 - "Freeze" 01EA - "Freeze" 01EB - "Freeze" 01EC - "Freeze" 01ED - "Freeze" 01EE - "Freeze" 01EF - "Freeze" 01F0 - "Freeze" 01F1 - "Freeze" 01F2 - "Freeze" 01F3 - "Freeze" 01F4 - "Freeze" 01F5 - "Freeze" 01F6 - "Freeze" 01F7 - "Freeze" 01F8 - "Freeze" 01F9 - "Freeze" 01FA - "Freeze" 01FB - "Freeze" 01FC - "Freeze" 01FD - "Freeze" 01FE - "Freeze" 01FF - "Freeze" 0207 - "Freeze" 0216 - "Freeze" 0242 - "Freeze" 0251 - "Freeze" 0259 - "Freeze" 0288 - Freeze 0289 - Freeze 028A - Sora (Lion-Form) 028B - Boat in Underworld 028C - Freeze 028D - 2D dress 028E - Melificent (dummy) 028F - Olette 0290 - Melificent (dummy) 0291 - "Freeze" 0292 - Freeze 029D - Goofy (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 029E - Donald (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 02B5 - Sora (Halloween Town) (Glitchy) 02D4 - Tron 0318 - Micky (without robe) 0319 - Donald 0320 - Small Phils Challenge barrel thing. 0321 - Large Phils Challenge barrel thing. 0322 - Freeze 0323 - Roxas (hero form/Valor form) 0324 - Nala (dummy) 0325 - Fountain from Halloween Town 0326 - Guilatine blade 0327 - Nothing 0328 - Swinging gates from Halloween Town 0329 - The Experiment (foot, dummy) 032A - Christmas town Door 032B - Large present 0345 - Duck toy from Halloween Town 0346 - Jack in the box 0400 - Chip 0401 - Cogsworth 040A - Crane from Port Royal 040B - Volcanic Lord (Boss) 040C - Blizzard Lord (boss) 040D - Sparrow (can't move from spot) 040E - Elizabeth (can't move from spot) 040F - Will (can't move from spot) 0410 - Freeze 0411 - Felsstück (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0453 - Untoter Pirat A / Undead Pirate A (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0454 - Untoter Pirat B / Undead Pirate B (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0455 - Untoter Pirat C / Undead Pirate C (Gegner! / Enemy!) 0457 - "Windritt" (Reaktionskommando / Reaction Command) 0458 - "Freeze" 0459 - Bodenbeben / Groundshaker (Boss!) 045A - Telebot / Strafer (Gegner! / Enemy!) 045B - "Freeze" 04F5 - Goofy (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 04AB - Timon (dummy) O4AF - Rafiki 04BA - T-stanced Prince Guy From the Little Mermaid 0500 - Scrooge 0501 - Huey (can't move from spot) 0502 - Dewey (can't move from spot) 0503 - Louie (can't move from spot) 0504 - Squall / Leon (Dummy) 0505 - Cid (Dummy) 0506 - Cloud (Dummy) 0507 - Aerith (Dummy) 0508 - Tifa (Dummy) 0509 - Yuffie (Dummy) 050A - Sephiroth (Dummy) 050B - Yuna (Dummy) 050C - Rikku (Dummy) 050D - Paine (Dummy) 050E - Mickey (with Coat) (Dummy) 050F - Moogle (Dummy) 0510 - Boy in blue shirt (can't move from spot) 0511 - Freeze 0512 - Old woman in brown (can't move from spot) 0513 - little Girl (Dummy) 0514 - Man with a blue Shirt (Dummy) 0515 - Guy with a white shirt (Dummy) 0516 - Guy with a green Pullover (Dummy) 0517 - Woman with a white Skirt (Dummy) 0518 - Girl with a orange Skirt (Dummy) 0519 - "Freeze" 0522- Seifer (Dummy) 0523- Rajin (Dummy) 0524- Fujin (Dummy) 0525- Setzer (Dummy) 0526- Merlin (Dummy) 0525 - Setzer (Dummy) 0526 - Merlin (Dummy) 0532- TT Salesman (Dummy) 0533- TT Saleswoman (Dummy) 0534- TT Woman (Dummy) 0535- *Freeze 0536- *Freeze 054C - Shan-Yu (attackable) (Dummy) 0552 - Timon and Pumbaa (Running) 0553 - Mermaid Sora (dummy) 0554 - Goofy (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 0558- Bee Heartless 0559- Space Paranoid's Wall 055A - Donald (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 055C- Santa's Sleigh 0575 - "Freeze" 05A1- ''Open the Door'' Reaction...AND an Attackable Sora T-Stance Model 05A3- Same 05A5- Same 05B1 - Globe that has the word AMERICA on it 05B3 - Honey Pot 05BC - Schatten-Infanterist (from 1000 Heartless Battle) 05BD - Wachroboter (from 1000 Heartless Battle) 05C2 - Giant Rock Titan (Dummy) 05CE - Prison Keeper (Boss!) 05CF - Donald (Timeless River) (Glitchy) 05D0 - The Experiment (Boss!) 05EF - Donald (Gull-Form) 05F0 - Nothing 05F1 - Red/Green triangle 05F2 - Nothing 05F3 - Nothing 05F4 - Nothing. 05F5 - Sora on Lightbike... minus the lightbike. 05F6 - Nothing 05F7 - ORG XIII member (dummy) 05F8 - Luxord (WORKS! can't be killed, or paused) 05F9 - Wisdom form (dummy) 05FA - master form (dummy) 05FB - final form (dummy) 05FC - Barbossa (dummy) 05FD - doors... 05FE - Xehanort portrait 05FF - Luxords card 0600 - Digger hole 0601 - Sora transformed into card (controls both card and Sora) 0602 - Sora transformed into die (controls both card and Sora, freezes once map is left) 0603 - Nothing 0604 - Curtained window fromTimeless River 0605 - Piglettes house pop-up card 0606 - Dusk (not an ememy/dummy) 0607 - Freeze 0608 - reaction command 0609 - Freeze 060A - dagger (Peter Pans?) 060B - Freeze 060C - Freeze 060D - Freeze 060E - Freeze 060F - Freeze 0610 - Freeze 0611 - Luxord with 5 cards (dummy) 0612 - Fire orbs from Agrabah 0613 - Blizzard orbs from Agrabah 0614 - Lightning orbs from Agrabah 0615 - Gate 0616 - Chains from Port Royal 0617 - Sea salt ice cream 0618 - Present from halloween town 0619 - Freeze 061A - Small little treasure chest (Port Royal) 061B - Goofy (Turtle-Form) 061C - Squall / Leon (Partner!) 061D - Freeze 061E - Nothing 061F - Queen Minnie (dummy) 0620 - Attackable machine 0621 - Small Pyramid (Dummy) 0622 - Xigbar (Boss!) 0623 - Sandstorm 0624 - Org XIII member (dummy) 0625 - Bees (Attackable) 0626 - Nothing 0627 - Bolt Tower (Enemy) 0628 - Bolt Tower (enemy) 0629 - Money bag 062A - Volcano Lord (freezes after 5 seconds) 062B - Blizzard Lord (freezes after 5 seconds) 062C - Org XIII-like Chair 062D - Freeze 062E - Freeze 062F - Freeze 0630 - 063C - Riku (Boss!) 0656 - Sora (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 0657 - Sora (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 0661 - "Honig-Topf" / "Honey Pot" (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0666 - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0669 - Sora (Helden-Form / Valor-Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 066A - Sora (Helden-Form / Valor-Form) (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 066B - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 066C - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 066D - Sora (Meister-Form / Master-Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 066E - Sora (Meister-Form / Master-Form) (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 066F - Sora (Ãœber-Form / Final-Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 0670 - Sora (Ãœber-Form / Final-Form)(Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 0671 - Sora (Anti-Form) (Space Paranoids) (Glitchy) 0672 - Sora (Anti-Form) (Fluss der Nostalgie / Timeless River) (Glitchy) 0673 - Xigbar (dummy) 0674 - Hooded Axel (dummy) 0675 - Raijin (dummy) 0676 - Fujin (dummy) 0677 - Nothing 0678 - Seifer 0679 - Freeze 0680 - Hades Cup Pokal / Hades Cup Trophy (Objekt / Object) (Dummy) 0688 - Cloud (ally) 0695 - Sora (Space Paranoids) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 0696 - Sora (Helden-Form / Valor-Form) (Space Paranoids) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 0697 - Sora (Weisen-Form / Wisdom Form) (Space Paranoids) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 0698 - Sora (Meister-Form / Master-Form) (Space Paranoids) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 069A - Sora (Ãœber-Form / Final-Form) (Space Paranoids) (T-Pose / T-Stance) (Dummy) 06AA - Freeze 06AB - Freeze 06AC - Freeze 06AD - Freeze 06AE - Organization Cloaked(T-Stance) 06AF - Twilight Town Junk Sweep things(destroyed after finisher) 06B0 - Yuffie(Ally!) 06B1 - Diz with face revealed.(T-Stance) 06B2 - Yensid (T -Srance) 06B3 - Tifa(ally!) 06B4 - Sora...just standing there...seems to be a dummy... 06B5 - After effect of Heartless being defeated, the heart floats up etc 06BA - Freeze 06BB - Pete (boss, can't be killed) 06BC - Pete (boss) 06BD - Timeless River turret (not solid) 06BE - Freeze 06BF - Berserker weapon (Useable) 06C0 - Sora Die (dummy) 06C1 - Sora (Kingdom Hearts I) = Donalds Staff. 06C2 - Eeyore (Follows you if you press Trianlge) 06C3 - Tigger (Follows you if you press Trianlge) 06C4 - Piglette (Follows you if you press Trianlge) 06C5 - Kanga (Follows you if you press Trianlge) 06C6 - Diz, without bandages (Dummy) 06C7 - Selphie, school uniform (dummy) 06C8 - Freeze 06C9 - Saix (boss) 06CA - Falling crystal 06CB - Xenmas (dummy) 06CC - Gold Medalion chest (empty) (dummy) 06CD - Unused creeper thing from Space Paranoids world (dummy) 06CE - Sora with Pooh in Honey Jar (can't be thrown) 06CF - Saix with weapon (dummy) 06D0 - wall of Rapid thrusters (dummy) 06D1 - "Scene of the fire" window from Timeless River (not solid) 06D2 - "Lilliput" window from Timeless River (not solid) 06D3 - "Building Site" window from Timeless River (not solid) 06D4 - "Mickey's House" window from Timeless River (not solid) 06D5 - Freeze 06D6 - Freeze 06D7 - Attackable floor 06D8 - Train from Twilight Town 06D9 - Door for above 06DA - Darker door for Twlight Town 06DB - Skateboard 06DC - Floating Honey Pot 06DD - Sora in KH1 clothes (dummy) 06DE - Timeless River turret (not solid) 06DF - Timeless River moving platform 06E0 - Fortuneteller (enemy) 06E1 - Skateboard 06E2 - MCP (not attackable or solid) 06E3 - Pencil 06E4 - Drawing pad 06E5 - Floating building from end of game (Game freezes when you press Triangle) 06E6 - Floating building from end of game 06E7 - Pooh's house pop up 06E8 - Rabbits house pop up 06E9 - Kanga & Roo's house pop up 06EA - The spooky cave pop up 06EB - Stary Hill pop up 06EC - Small white object 06ED - Nothing 06EE - Graveyard (enemy) 06EF - Graveyard (enemy) 06F0 - Toy Soldier (enemy) 06F1 - Toy Soldier (enenmy) 06F2 - Sephiroth in Guard Stance (attackable dummy, resistant to Magic) 06F3 - Nothing 06F4 - Nothing 06F5 - Nothing 06F6 - Nothing 06F7 - Nothing 06F8 - Nothing 06F9 - Rafiki's mixing bowl 06FA - Saix's weapon (Usable) 06FB - Small stones 06FC - bent tree 06FD - Rafiki's bowl of red stuff 06FE - Mufasa (dummy) 06FF - Freeze 0710 - The Experiment (head) 0711 - The Experiment (left Hand) (Boss) 0712 - The Experiment (right Hand) (Boss) 0713 - Freeze 0714 - Simba (Dummy) 0715 - Sora (Halloween Town)(Dummy) 0716 - Sora (Valor-Form) (Halloween Town) (Dummy) 0717 - Sora (Wisdom Form) (Halloween Town) (Dummy) 0718 - Sora (Master-Form) (Halloween Town) (Dummy) 0719 - Sora (Final-Form) (Halloween Town) (Dummy) 073C - Emerald Blues (Space Paranoids) (Enemy!) 0720 - Freeze 0721 - Freeze 0722 - Freeze 0723 - Trick Ghost (Halloween Town) (Enemy) 0724 - Aeroplane (Timeless River) 0725 - Minute Bomb (Timeless River) (Enemy) 0726 - Hammer Frame (Timeless River) (Enemy) 0727 - Hot Rod (Timeless River) (Enemy) 0728 - Cannon Gun (Space Paranoids) (Enemy) 0729 - Mole Driller (Enemy) 072A - Emerald Blues (Enemy) 072B - Bookmaster (Space Paranoids) (Enemy) 072C - Neoshadow (Enemy) 072D - Creeper Plant (Enemy) 072E - Soldier (Timeless River) (Enemy) 072F - Soldier (Space Paranoids) (Enemy) 0730 - Shadow (Enemy) 0731 - Shadow (Enemy) 0732 - Shadow (Enemy) 0733 - Rapid Thruster (Timless River) (Enemy) 0734 - Freeze 0735 - Nothing 0736 - Freeze 0737 - Nothing 0738 - Freeze 0739 - Soldier (Timless River) 073A - Riku (Blind) (Dummy) 073B - "Struggle-Battle-Bat" (Dummy) 073C - Emerald Blues (Space Paranoids) (Enemy) 073D - Freeze 073E - Freeze 073F - Freeze 0740 - Freeze 0741 - Freeze 0742 - Riku In ansem Form (Dummy) 0743 - Kairi (dummy) 0744 - Nothing 0745 - Mickey (dummy) 0746 - TT Boy (dummy) 0747 - TT Teen/Adult (dummy) 0748 - Another TT Boy (dummy) 0749 - TT teen (dummy) 074A - Nothing 074B - Nothing 074C - A GIANT GUMMI SHIP O.o (object) 074D - Sitting Belle (dummy) 074E - Sitting/Exhausted Will Turner (dummy) 074F - Sitting/Exhausted Hurcules (dummy) 075A - Freeze 075B - Freeze 075C - A Very Tiny Triangle (probably from tron) Makes battle music but there is nothing to kill 075D - Mickey Without Cloak (T-Stance) 075E - Nothing 075F - Nothing 0760 - Fire Heartless 0761 - The Small Flying heartless (Like the ones on pride rock) 0762 - Generic Teen (dummy) 0763 - Generic Lady (dummy) 07E0 - Nothing 07E1 - 07E8 - Nothing 07E9 - 07EA - Cat from Twilight Town (can't move from spot) 07EB - boy in green from Twilight Town (can't move from spot) 07EC - Girl with red skirt from TT (can't move from spot) 07ED - Impatient/dancing man in green from TT (can't move from spot) 07EE - Cheering girl in long dress from TT (can't move from spot) 07EF - Nothing 07F0 - Nothing 07F1 - Nothing 07F2 - Nothing 07F3 - Nothing 07F4 - Freeze 07F5 - Freeze 07F6 - Freeze 07F7 - Freeze 07F8 - Nothing 07F9 - Freeze 07FA - Freeze 07FB - Axels small fire floor attack 07FC - Vexen's ice attack 07FD - Nothing 07FE - Riku/Ansem (dummy) 07FF - Org XIII member (can't move from spot) 0800 - Jack Skellington (not party member/dummy) 0801- Stick (Object) 0802 - Tron-Donald (Dummy) 0803 - Freeze 0804 - Freeze 0805 - Freeze 0806 - Nothing 0807 - Nothing 0808 - Nothing 0809 - Freeze 080A - Sparrow (Dummy) 080B - Halloween Donald (Dummy) 080C - Halloween Goofy (Dummy) 080D - Black and White Donald (Dummy) 080E - Black and White Goofy (Dummy) 080F - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0810 - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0811 - "Nichts" / "Nothing" 0812 - Hades (Boss!) 0813 - Shan-Yu (Dummy) 0814 - Mulan (Dummy) 0815 - Freeze 0816 - Skateboard Checkmark (Object) 0817 - Present (Dummy) 0818 - Present (Dummy) 0819 - Riku (Only Guest) 081A - Skateboard (Functional!) 081B - Magic Carpet 081C - Graveyard (enemy) 081D - Sparrow 081E - Sparrow 081F - Invisible enemy present 0820 - Kairi (dummy) 0821 - Sword (from KH's dive into heart) 0822 - Shield (from KH's dive into heart) 0823 - Wand (from KH's dive into heart) 0824 - Struggle sword 0825 - Struggle wand 0826 - Struggle Shield 0827 - Donald (Gull-form, doesn't move) 0828 - Goofy (Turtle-form, doesn't move) 0829 - Building from Twilight-town 082A - Shenzi (doesn't move) 082B - Banzai (doesn't move) 082C - Ed (doesn't move) 082D - Riku (dummy) 082E - Riku in cloak with Oblivion keyblade (dummy) 082F - Setzer (good source of HP orbs) 0830 - Door/barrier in The World that Never Was 0831 - Pete (Lion form, dummy) 0832 - Freeze 0833 - Scar Ghost 0834 - Freeze 0835 - Freeze 0836 - Freeze 0837 - Freeze 0838 - Trashcan 0839 - Falling pillar from Agrabah 083A - Falling pillar from Agrabah 083B - Falling pillar from Agrabah 083C - Door to final battle 083D - Orange wall 083E - Pink wall 083F - Hover bike/jet (unusable) 0840 - Sora (Attack stance, but turns dummy when you jump) 0841 - Hover bike/jet (unusable) 0842 - Spike in the ground (Someone's weapon) 0843 - Xigbar's weapon 0844 - Nothing(?) 0845 - Xaldin's weapons 0846 - Axel's weapon 0847 - Shenzi 0848 - nothing(?) 0849 - lady from Twilight town 084A - kairi (dummy) 084B - flying attack balls 084C - Axel (doesn't move) 084D - Xehanort powering up (doesn't move) 084E - Donald (Tron-form, doesn't move) 084F - Goofy (Tron-form, doesn't move) 0850 - Magic Train 0851 - Twilight Town train 0852 - Zero (doesn't move) 0853 - Magic Train door 0854 - Lion king treasure chest 0855 - Large lion king treasure chest 0856 - Phils attack thing 0857 - Phils attack thing (large) 0858 - nothing 0859 - Nothing 085A - bees 085B - bees 085C - Xenmas in armor/sitting 085D - Jack Skellington (Christmas form, doesn't move) 085E - Treasure Chest (Christmas Town) 085F - Large Treasure Chest (Christmas Town) 0860 - Nothing (freezes if you try to fly) 0861 - Orange/green flying triangle 0862 - freeze 0863 - freeze 0864 - Red/Green triangle 0865 - Small boy from Twilight Town (can't move from spot) 0866 - Small girl from Twilight Town (can't move from spot) 0867 - Teen aged guy from Twilight Town (can't move from spot) 0868 - Cheering woman from Twilight Town (can't move from spot) 0869 - Mickey in robes (can be controled, dummy) 086A - freeze 086B - freeze 086C - Vivi (attackable, freezes when killed) 086D - Riku (can't move from spot) 086E - Namine's pencil (dummy) 086F - Xehanort (in white coat, dummy) 0870 - Kairi's Letter 0871 - Hercules (Dummy) 0872 - Shrunken head Pooh (Kinda funny to see, dummy) 0873 - Cloud (Buggy) 0874 - Honey pot 0875 - Nothing (Freezes when paused) 0876 - Nothing (Freezes when paused) 0877 - Nothing (Freezes when paused) 0878 - Red KH1 Sora (Dummy) 0879 - Green KH1 Sora (Dummy) 087A - Blue KH1 Sora (Dummy) 087B - Freeze 087C - Trashcan 087D - Random explosions (there's an explanation at the top of the screen) 087E - Freeze 087F - Hercules (Dummy) 0880 - Roxas in Pajamas (Attackable, dummy) 0881 - Random explosions (there's an explanation at the top of the screen) 0882 - Moogle Shop (can't be used) 0883 - Present (bounces away) 0884 - Random explosions (there's an explanation at the top of the screen) 0885 - Timeless River steamboat with Corner stone in cage (not solid) 0886 - Freeze 0887 - Ansem The Wise (dummy) 0888 - Trick Ghost (dummy, freezes instantly) 0889 - Graveyard (dummy, freezes instantly) 088A - Thresholder (dummy, freezes instantly) 088B - Possessor (dummy, freezes instantly) 088C - Shadow Stalker (dummy, freezes instantly) 088D - Freezes after Sora automaticly takes attack stance 088E - Roxas in Pajamas (Attackable, dummy) 088F - Freeze 0890 - Nothing (freezes if you leave the area) 0891 - Nothing (freezes if you leave the area) 0892 - Nothing (freezes if you leave the area) 0893 - Nothing (freezes if you leave the area) 0894 - Nothing (freezes if you leave the area) 0895 - Nothing (freezes if you leave the area) 0896 - Nothing (freezes if you leave the area) 0897 - Nothing (freezes if you leave the area) 0898 - Nothing (freezes if you leave the area) 0899 - Freeze 089A - Nobodies used to whack into Xenmas machine core (can he attacked) 089B - Riku, Riding Stance (Can replace Sora, but can't move from spot) 089C - Heyner (can't move from spot) 089D - Pence (can't move from spot) 089E - Olette (can't move from spot) 089F - Vivi (can't move from spot) 08A0 - Seifer (can't move from spot) 08A1 - Setzer (can't move from spot) 08A2 - Freeze 08A3 - Freeze 08A4 - Freeze 08A5 - Freeze 08A6 - Freeze 08A7 - Roxas in Pajamas (dummy) 08A8 - Dusk (dummy) 08A9 - Area outside Twilight Town train station 08AA - Guy in brown pants from Twilight Town (can't move from spot) 08AB - Guy in purple pants from Twilight Town (can't move from spot) 08AC - Girl with pink dress from Twilight Town (can't move from spot) 08AD - Man with goatie from Twilight Town (can't move from spot) 08AE - Old lady from Twilight Town (can't move from spot) 08AF - Yensid (sitting, can't move from spot) 08B0 - Game acts as if an enemy is present 08B1 - Freeze 08B2 - large platform from TWTNW with pink triangle sticking out of it (Donald tries to destroy it) 08B3 - Prevents you from leaving current area. 08B4 - fat guy from Twilight Town (can't move from spot) 08B5 - Axel (boss, freezes when Reaction command is used) 08B6 - Sephiroth! 08B7 - Nothing 08B8 - MCP face (freezes instantly) 08B9 - Piglet (can't move from spot) 08BA - freeze 08BB - Open treasure chest (Small) 08BC - Open treasure chest (Large) 08BD - Kairi's Keyblade (dummy) 08BE - Bolt Tower 08BF - Bolt Tower 08C0 - Hollow Bastion design Skateboard (works, freezes when paused) 08C1 - Timeless River design skateboard (works, freezes when paused) 08C2 - Agrabah design skateboard (works, freezes when paused) 08C3 - Olympus Coliseum design skateboard (works, freezes when paused) 08C4 - Port Royal design skateboard (works, freezes when paused) 08C5 - Space Paranoids design skateboard (works, freezes when paused) 08C6 - ??? (dummy, freezes instantly) 08C7 - Nobody that shoots lazers at the end of the game. (can't be attacked, flies away) 08C8 - ??? (freezes instantly) 08C9 - freeze 08D0 - Vivi (freezes game when killed) 08D1 - Riku 08D2 - Dieing Sora (when Xenmas electrifies him) 08D3 - Freeze 08D4 - Goofy (Tron-form, dummy) 08D5 - Nothing 08D6 - Ariel (dummy) 08D7 - Ariel (dummy) 08D8 - Stitch (dummy) 08D9 - Volcano Lord (dummy, freezes instantly) 08DA - Blizzard Lord (dummy, freezes instantly) 08DB - Grim Reaper (dummy, freezes instantly) 08DC - Prison Keeper (dummy, freezes instantly) 08DD - Storm Rider (dummy, freezes instantly) 08DE - Xigbar (dummy, freezes instantly) 08DF - Siax (dummy, freezes instantly) 08E0 - Something.. Possibly Cerberus (dummy, freezes instantly) 08E1 - Hades (dummy, freezes instantly) 08E2 - Hydra (dummy, freezes instantly) 08E3 - The Experiment (dummy, freezes instantly) 08E4 - Sparrow (dummy, freezes instantly) 08E5 - Barbosa (dummy, freezes instantly) 08E6 - Xaldin (dummy, freezes instantly) 08E7 - Vexen (dummy, freezes instantly) 08E8 - Axel (dummy, freezes instantly) 08E9 - Demyx (dummy, freezes instantly) 08EA - Hercules (dummy, Freezes instantly) 08EB - Hercules (dummy, Freezes instantly) 08EC - Phil (dummy, Freezes instantly) 08ED - small flying nameless nobody 08EE - Luxord's attacking card. 08EF - Door from Ansems room 08F0 - Bolt Tower 08F1 - Sephiroth (dummy, Freezes instantly) 08F2 - Leon (ally) 08F3 - Cloud (ally) 08F4 - Tifa (ally) 08F5 - Yuffie (ally) 08F6 - Demyx's water minion 08F7 - Demyx (Boss) 08F8 - Leon (Boss) 08F9 - Cloud (Boss) 08FA - Tifa (Boss) 08FB - Yuffie (Boss) 08FC - Blue MCP face (Freezes instantly) 08FD - Sparrow (can't move from spot) 08FE - Will Turner (can't move from spot) 08FF - Freeze 0900 - Moogle (can't move from spot) 0901 - Malificent (dummy) 0902 - Malificent (dummy) 0903 - Small girl with tie from Twilight Town (can't move from spot) 0904 - Namine (dummy) 0905 - Man in green from Twilight Town (can't move from spot) 0906 - Boy in green from Twilight Town (can't move from spot) 0907 - Cart with large bag from Twilight Town 0908 - Sparrow steering ship (can't move from spot) 0909 - Sparrow steering ship (can't move from spot) 090A - Skelleton Sparrow stearing ship (can't move from spot) 090B - Donald (can't move from spot) 090C - Goofy (can't move from spot) 090D - Dusk (can't move from spot) 090E - Hades (boss) 090F - Pete (boss) 0910 - Hercules (boss) 0911 - Cloud (can't move from spot) 0912 - Invisible enemy, can't be hurt. 0913 - Sparrow's compass 0914 - Phil (can't move from spot) 0915 - Cogsworth (can't move from spot) 0916 - Elizabeth (can't move from spot) 0917 - Heyner (can't move from spot) 0918 - Final Xenmas (dummy) 0919 - Raijin (can't move from spot) 091A - Fujin (can't move from spot) 091B - Giant 'Winnie the Pooh' book (no illustration of cover) 091C - Giant 'Winnie the Pooh' book (with illustration) 091D - 'Winnie the Pooh' book (torn cover, dummy) 091E - Heyner (dummy) 091F - Pumba (dummy, freezes instantly) 0920 - Shan Yu (Dummy, Freezes instantly) 0921 - Hostile Program (Dummy, Freezes instantly) 0922 - Dusk (doesn't move) 0923 - Marluxia (Absent Silhouette) 0924 - Ansem-Riku in cloak, no hood (dummy) 0925 - Org XIII member, no face. (dummy) 0926 - Mushroom 1 0927 - Mushroom 2 0928 - Mushroom 3 0929 - Mushroom 4 092A - Mushroom 5 092B - Mushroom 6 092C - Mushroom 7 092D - Mushroom 8 092E - Mushroom 9 092F - Mushroom 10 0930 - Mushroom 11 (Excellent way to gain rare items easily) 0931 - Mushroom 12 0932 - Nothing 0933 - Vexen (Absent Silhouette) 0934 - Vexen's Anti-Sora 0935 - Lexeus (Absent Silhouette) 0936 - Cloaked duel weilding Roxas (Attackable dummy) 0937 - Larxene (Absent Silhouette, doesn't fight back, and also can't be killed) 0938 - Zexion (Absent Silhouette, attackable dummy) 0939 - A Crossed Two keyblade (dummy) 093A - 13 Mushrooms keyblade (dummy) 093B - Nothing 093C - Nothing 093D - Nothing 093E - Nothing 093F - Nothing 0940 - Nothing 0941 - Lexeus' weapon 0942 - Mushroom staff weapon 0943 - Nothing 0944 - Nothing 0945 - Nothing 0946 - Nothing 0947 - Nothing 0948 - Nothing 0949 - Goofy's Vexen weapon (dummy) 094A - Mushroom shield (dummy) 094B - Nothing 094C - Nothing 094D - Nothing 094E - Nothing 094F - Nothing 0950 - Nothing 0951 - Hooded Roxas (dual weiding enemy) 0952 - Nothing 0953 - Nothing 0954 - Whirlwind (jumpable) 0955 - Sora (Christmas town form.... weapon IS Donald) 0956 - Freeze 0957 - Freeze 0958 - Freeze 0959 - Freeze 095A - Anti-Sora (Christmas Town form) 095B - Donald (Christmas Town form, freezes if you wander too far) 095C - Goofy (Christmas Town form, freezes if you wander too far) 095D - Limit form 095E - freeze 095F - freeze 0960 - freeze 0961 - freeze 0962 - Larxene (Absent Silhouette) 0963 - Magic Phantom 0964 - Perplex 0965 - Iron Hammer 0966 - Mad Bumper 0967 - Silent Launcher 0968 - Reckless 0969 - Lance Warrior 096A - Aeriel Champ 096B - Necromancer 096C - Spring Metal 096D - Air Viking 096E - Rune Master 096F - TERRA!!! 0970 - Pushing pillar from cave of remembrance 0971 - Rising pillar from cave of remembrance 0972 - Vexen's Absent Silhouette portal (can't be used) 0973 - Lexeus' Absent Silhouette portal (can't be used) 0974 - Zexion's Absent Silhouette portal (can't be used) 0975 - Marluxia's Absent Silhouette portal (can't be used) 0976 - Larxene's Absent Silhouette portal (can't be used) 0977 - KH1 Ansem with Heartless guardian (dummy) 0978 - Spiral pillar from Cave of Remebmrance 0979 - Pillar on it's side from Cave of Remembrance (not solid) 097A - Pillar from Cave of Remembrance (not solid) 097B - Zexion (Absent Silhouette) 097C - Freeze 097D - Zexion's book 097E - Nothing (?) 097F - Limit form (dummy) 0980 - Limit form (Halloween town, dummy) 0981 - Sora (Christmas town, dummy) 0982 - Sora (Christmas town, Valor Form, dummy) 0983 - Sora (Christmas town, Wisdom Form, dummy) 0984 - Sora (Christmas town, Limit Form, dummy) 0985 - Sora (Christmas town, Master Form, dummy) 0986 - Sora (Christmas town, Final Form, dummy) 0987 - Sora (Space Paranoids form, Limit Form, dummy) 0988 - Puzzle crown 0989 - Save The Queen (Re-colour, dummy) 098A - Donalds Lexeus weapon (Re-colour, dummy) 098B - Mushroom wand (dummy) 098C - Mushroom wand (dummy) 098D - Mushroom wand (dummy) 098E - Mushroom wand (dummy) 098F - Nothing 0990 - Nothing 0991 - Nothing 0992 - Nothing 0993 - Nothing 0994 - Nothing 0998 - Nothing 0999 - Freeze 099A - Nothing 099F - Nothing 09A0 - Nothing 09A1 - Save the King+ 09A2 - Freeze Pride+ 09A3 - Mushroom shield 09A4 - Mushroom shield 09A5 - Mushroom shield 09A6 - Mushroom shield 09A7 - Nothing 09A8 - Nothing 09A9 - Nothing 09AA - Nothing 09AB - Nothing 09AC - Nothing 09AD - Nothing 09AE - Nothing 09AF - Nothing 09B0 - Nothing 09B1 - Nothing 09B2 - Nothing 09B3 - Nothing 09B4 - Nothing 09B5 - Nothing 09B6 - Nothing 09B7 - Nothing 09B8 - Nothing 09B9 - Cavern of Remembrance big pushing block 09BA - Cavern of Remembrance red orb 09BB - CoR small pushing block 09BC - CoR blue orb 09BD - CoR yellow orb 09BE - CoR white orb 09BF - CoR stone slab (invisible, has HP) 09C0 - CoR steam wheel (invisible, has HP) 09C1 - Nothing 09C2 - Nothing 09C2 - Nothing 09C3 - Nothing 09C4 - Axel (Limit Cut) 09C5 - Xigbar (Limit Cut) 09C6 - Saïx (Limit Cut) 09C7 - Nothing 09C8 - Luxord (Limit Cut) 09C9 - Xemnas (Limit Cut Memory's Contortion) 09CA - Xemnas (Limit Cut The World of Nothing)? 09CB - Xaldin (Limit Cut) 09CC - Demyx (Limit Cut) 09CD - Bulky Vendor (Halloween Town) 09CE - Garden of Assemblage door 09CF - Freeze Pride 09D0 - Freeze Pride+ 09D1 - Nothing 09D2 - Freeze 09D3 - Freeze 09D4 - Freeze 09D5 - Freeze 09D7 - Freeze 09D9 - Freeze
I'm pretty damn sure that the character digits from KHII will do the same in FM+, so I'll be adding codes from the KHII codes thread. -
heh, thought you might like it. I'm aware of the list that's being compiled at European CodeBase, so I'm working backwards (getting all the FM+ exclusive stuff out of the way first)
I'll post a txt file (here and at CMP) when I'm done/sick of doing any more. -
If anyone's interested, I'm compiling a more complete list of character mod digits.
If you've ever wanted to fight Terra anywhere you want (as the third party member, terra = underlined numbers), the RAW code is 11C6CC24 0000096F. Course since he's a party member, you can't run away. -
Code works like a charm, though Roxas is nowhere near as quick or strong as Sora.
(This fight didn't last very long as a result.) -
Not sure if the following codes will do what you want (since the translation is poor).
"Magical all acquisition
1CA573EC 1553E4A8
3CA57323 1456E7A8
3CA57228 1456E7A8
You acquire with 6 type everything - the moth
Being to be the work cord/code saving reflection
If we would like to appoint individually, taking apart in the byte unit, please appoint"
(credit to: Here) -
As for the Riku in party thing, try 4D598c94 1456DFAE (He'll be the 3rd member of the party) -
Handy to know if you want to find other codes and need to know what it is you should be looking for.
Anyway, quick question, are the codes on the first page actually in RAW, or are they in AR V1?
Basically what I'm asking is, to convert those codes to Coder (swap magic 3.8) should I be converting from RAW-ARV2 or from ARV1-ARV2? I've tried both, with little/no success. Also, should I be converting the master code in the same way?