"I know Im a freak. I don't need it pointed out for me," Maxa thought. Peoples reactions to her being a shapeshifter were always the same. It was gross, it was wierd, it was scary.Barely anyone said otherwise. It didn't hurt so much now that she was used to it. " I'm sorry, I didn't mean to disgust you," She replied out loud.
"Thanks." Maxa replied. As best as she could, she opened the bottle with her clawed feet and drank it down in a few gulps. She observed her healed wing, satisfied. To the girl who gave her the potion she said,"I'm Maxanda by the way." Maxa focused her mind, growing taller, feathers and beak vanishing and eyes changing. She was in human form once more.
Maxa, tired of trying to get off the ground with an injured wing, finaly said, "My cover is blown, isn't it." To the girl watching her she spoke, "You wouldn't happen to have a potion would you?"
"Stupid irregular wind currents," Maxa growled to herself. "They always throw me off!" She stood up as best she could on her clawed feet, and saw that one of the girls was looking at her. Did she figure out that she was following her? Not knowing what to do next, she tried to take flight again, only to find that one of her wings was bent from when she did that nosedive. Maxa didn't talk to people very often, and was always akward in situations like this. "Mabey if I stop talking, they will think I'm a dumb animal," she thought. Still, they were somehow different from normal humans it seemed. Mabey she could try trusting them.
Maxa started to panic. One of the girls mentioned hearing something. She tried to fly agenst the the wind that had started to blow again. Suddenly, the wind stoped, and because she had put so much energy into flying agenst the wind current, Maxa spiraled into a nose dive and hit the ground with a smack.
Maxa kept following that girl, even when she and another peson she met went through a shadowy portal. When she came out on the other side, she was shocked to see that this was an entirely different place. She looked around, hovering in midair. A cold wind blew into her face and sent her back a few feet, and she couldn't help but skwak in surprise. "I hope they didn't hear me." She vainly hoped.
Maxa watched as one of the people started to run into a nearby forest. Having nothing better to do, she decided she would follow. After considering which shape to take, she finaly decided on a hawk. She closed her eyes, focusing. In a flurry of wind, feathers grew on her arms and she started to shrink. Soon, where once a girl sat, a hawk now perched. Maxa spread her wings and took off after the other girl into the forest.
Keep going! I want to know what happens next!! Im also thinking of puting my own fanfic on here, but Im not shure if I want to yet, since I want to edit it later on in life and publish the main story without the KH stuff. Anyway, good Gob! I like!
Character Name: Maxanda (Maxa)
birthday:December 9
Power:Animal shapshifter
Appearence:Tan skin,Hazel eyes,dark red hair,5'1.
(sorry, no picture)
Maxa slowly blinked her eyes open, still drowzy from sleeping so long. When she saw where she was though, she was wide awake. The last place she recaled seeing was a large snowy mountian range where she had taken shelter in a cave. How did she end up here, wherever here was? Standing up and looking around, she saw three people nearby, talking. They didn't seam to notice her, and she kept herself hidden. What would they do if they knew what she was? She decided to wait a while till she decided on what to do next.