Recent Content by PrinceXIII

  1. PrinceXIII
    Thank you so much, i'm trying that right now, i'll let you know if it works! =] I really appreciate the help.
    Post by: PrinceXIII, Jul 10, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. PrinceXIII
    Thank you so much, i'll definitely try that. =]
    Post by: PrinceXIII, Jul 10, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. PrinceXIII
    Hey everyone, I have read through all the advice in this thread and am still having troubles and would GREATLY appreciate some assistance. I have a copy of Kh2FM and would like to patch it to play on a Ps2 emulator on my computer. My questions are as follows:

    1. Is this possible?
    2. I have the patcher, the patch, the dumper, and the MagicISO program, how do I get my games' files into an ISO format?
    3. Once I have it in ISO format, how do I get it to play on my Emulator, I have PCSX2.

    I have managed to figure out how to do the actual patching, but am needing help with more of the technical aspects. Thank you so much and sorry for any inconvenience.
    Post by: PrinceXIII, Jul 10, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates