Why hello there!! :D
Welcome to KHV...it's a place of joy, and joyness! Enjoy your stay and hopefully your being here will bring your buddy back too. It's never been too many people at KHV. The more the merrier. :3
Wecome back!
Hope the forum can keep your interest up this time around. KHV sucks in your soul.
Play nice and have fun. Don't pull another disappearing act.<3
There's a fine line between an innocent lie, and a lie just in its own self. I personally believe that one mustn’t lie, but if it has a good cause, it can be excused. For example, lies made about Santa, the Toothfairy can be excused. Innocent lies aren’t harmful, as they can be taken back and explained logically later. Anything outside of a generally-understood-innocent lie is harmful. I definitely have a strong dislike for such lies. Lying on a regular basis is a terrible habit, and such practice can hurt others. I’ve been at both ends to know that it’s something it shouldn’t be done. I dislike liars, and if there are things people are lying to me about, I would prefer that they would rather tell the truth. I don’t quite believe in “lying to you to spare your feelings,†such as telling me I look great even when I don’t, or complimenting my worst batch of cookies. The truth and good critique can be of great help, even if there are some grumpy faces and cranky attitudes in the way first. I follow this belief myself and I’m rather blunt and honest with my critique (in apt place and environment, of course; never as an insult) to those who ask for it. Might make them angry when I do tell them, but at least such mistakes will not be made in the future.
As for myself, I am a GREAT liar. Those who know me personally knows I do take some pride in that; however, they also know that I don't particularly use this skill unless its a dire situation. I may have perfected a great poker face and calm status when I do lie, but I doubt I can beat a lie detector. I don't lie on a regular basis, and I refrain from lying as much as I could. 90% of the time, only the truth comes out my mouth., Truth is the best choice there is, and the consequence of it much sweeter than lying. I’d been a nasty little liar when I was younger, but I’ve taken strong measures to make sure I stop that practice. So far, so good. 10 years and going great. Feels great too.
Biggest lie I ever told? Well...there's quite a few. Oh, but I suppose this one counts, and it will go in effect this December 16, 2011. Might seem hypocritical compared to everything I said above, but circumstances and necessarily requires I do. One of my dearest friend requires that she go to San Francisco this December, a mere 3 day trip. She requires my company along this road trip as we have business to take care of up there, as well as because it’s a drive from one end of the state to the other, along with my being dependable and, well...fearless (everyone else seems too much of a wuss to agree to this for some reason). My family, being rather strict, extremely protective and somewhat clingy, would NEVER have allowed for such a trip. Especially for the fact that it's two girls driving such a great distance with no form of protection, or without male company. Hence, I devised a plan, and made it seem like it's a college trip for a lab work. It took great care, and time to devise the perfect excuse and provide enough evidence to show it was "real." All in all...I got them to bite and all is going according to plan so far. Haven't done anything quite like this ever. Not even the excuse of my [underage, 16] drunken ass coming home at 10 can beat this. Do I feel bad? I do...sort of. My folks are nice people, and they are only trying to protect me from RAPEEE!!! bad men, but I suppose this one was necessary. I'll tell them about this when I'm married or something. I've never hidden things from them. Even all the days I've ditched school during high school (hopping the fence and everything) has been brought into the light. So, one day, this will be known by them as well. All in due time.