I hate it. When I saw this, the 1st thing I thought was that I miss-clicked my bookmarks, and the 2nd thing I thought was that the site got hacked and this is someones idea of a joke...
Yeah, it is awesome, but the game itself...
...man, I can't even call it an "Alpha". I was expecting at least 1 or 2 characters to be something like 80% but I got 2 that had unbalanced attacks, no specials and where missing frames and floating... If I remember, Axel used to have legs while walking... and crouching... don't even get me started on that.
So yeah... still a preee-ty long way to go, but if motivation keeps up there's a chance of something really good.
PS: just curious, what resolution is it in? 320x240? my screen in 1680x150, so that was almost the size of a post stamp (and fullscreen is out of the question, since the aspect ratios don't fit :/). If possible, think about changing that to 640x480, 800x600, or having it in the options menu sometime in the future (probably by the time Beta 1 comes out).
Soo... if my name would start with an S I'd have a better Sex life or what? Oo?
Names can have a certain bearing on what other people think about you, but that's only until they actually get to know you. Initials? Blah! My name starts with an "Ł". 5$ if you find out what I'm good at by that.
I'd like to point out something. The current image of Santa (Chubby with a bright red coat) was made by... Coca-Cola for it's Christmas advertisements.
The image of Santa was changes throughout history many times. He was once a skinny guy with a green or blue coat!
That said however, the reason someone wants to change it now is... well, stupid. This isn't anywhere near the source of the problem.
Like Repliku said, kids don't want to be fat just to "be like Santa" (what a bunch of *****), and like Bunterx said, they just throw there guilt on anything other then themselves.