Recent Content by PlasmFlareon

  1. PlasmFlareon
    Coming back for another question...
    How would I use this code for a completely invisible HUD?

    HUD Display Mod
    2036ACA4 ????????

    As in, what do I put for the "????????" part? I can't find where it says what to put. I'm dumb if it's blatantly obvious but lol. Thanks once again in advance.

    Edit: forgot to mention, yes I still am using Crazycatz's patch.

    Edit2: I think the code is actually Movie Mode, what is the code for Crazy's patch?
    Post by: PlasmFlareon, Feb 23, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  2. PlasmFlareon
    Yeah, sorry for not being specific. I'm trying to do a Level 1 run, haha. Thanks, will check it out soon.

    Edit: Hey, it works! Just the HP bar is WAY TOO LONG! But that's fine, I can live with it. Thanks so much!

    One more question:

    How would I use the Marly coundown mod? Is "xx" in "01b5d3d4 000000xx" where I put the desired amount (e.g. 99)?
    Post by: PlasmFlareon, Jan 15, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  3. PlasmFlareon
    It's pretty much the same effect, but gives me all the health. The Dragoon "Jump" move kills you still. Oogie's Fist kills you. Xaldin's Lunge kills you.
    Everything else is fine. (I think.)
    I tested this code and the other code on the regular unpatched .iso, still the same. I'm guessing it's broken?
    Post by: PlasmFlareon, Jan 15, 2017 in forum: Code Vault
  4. PlasmFlareon
    Hi! I'm new, and want to ask a question. The Infinite Health cheat isn't really working, I still die from anything. I am using Crazycat00's patch.

    edit: Oh yea, I put the code in the same .pnach as the cheat patch thing. The Inf. MP still works, idk why the HP doesn't. Thanks in advance!
    Post by: PlasmFlareon, Jan 14, 2017 in forum: Code Vault