Username or w/e name want ~ Pixie
The character ~ Sora
A picture of character in a link ~ Click here.
A quote of theirs ~ Like, is any of this for real... or not?
Background color you want ~ I don't care. Any color the looks good.
Character Name ~ Kayari
Age ~ As old as Geonigma
Gender ~ Female
Appearance ~ Long blond hair, and blue eyes. Kinda looks like this. (Uses magic to mask her age, to make her look like a 14 year old)
Personality ~ She has very extreme moods. Like if she is happy, she'll be really hyper and practically bounce off the walls.
History ~ Kayari was abandoned as a baby; for her parents thought that she was going to die form a deadly illness the have almost kill everyone in their village. Left off in the forest to die, Kayari was found by an old stray female wolf that took Kayari under her wing. Later on Kayari became healthier and over come the deadly illness. She had also over time become one with nature and learned many secrets form it. (The rest of the history depends on how she got to Geonigma, if she as already living there or whatever…)
Role ~ Guardian (Earth)
Race ~ Gaurdian of Geonigma
Occupation ~ Gaurdian of Earth
Are you talking about in Monstro? Cuz we are talking about KHI, not KHII. Anyway, Beast and Jack are my favorite. Beast because helped me a LOT in Hollow Bastion. Jack because because he is just awesome. :D