Recent Content by piggyjelly

  1. piggyjelly
    Actually no, I was attempting to play through SMB share but I transferred to my HDD and tried it out and it boots up fine. Thanks!
    Post by: piggyjelly, Nov 17, 2018 in forum: Code Vault
  2. piggyjelly
    Hello! So I'm trying to apply Rev 2 of Gledsons patch and boot it on my PS2 with OPL but I get hung at a black screen after the PlayStation logo. I had the same result before when I tried running a patched KH1 but I read these newer patches should work on real hardware. Any idea where I could be going wrong?
    Post by: piggyjelly, Nov 16, 2018 in forum: Code Vault
  3. piggyjelly
    Would anyone familiar with using OPL loader and PS2rd be able to tell me what I'm doing wrong? I lost some progress on a few Data Org and want to easily gain it back by using infinite health to cheese the fights back however when I try to make a .CHT file using the Master code found here: and the infinite HP code found in the first post of this thread.

    Here is what I have:


    903088E0 0C0C21E0

    Infinite Health
    200FE000 8C820004
    200FE004 0806891E
    200FE008 AC820000
    20166CD8 0C03F800

    Anyone know why these codes are not working? OPL uses the cheat file however when I get in game I'm still taking damage. Thanks to anyone who reads this
    Post by: piggyjelly, Oct 10, 2018 in forum: Code Vault
  4. piggyjelly
    Hello everyone in this thread. Really want to say thanks for all you guys have done stockpiling these codes since these games have been released you all are doing great work! I'm posting here because I thought this might be my best bet to get help with an issue I'm having, basically I'm trying to play English patched KH2FM and everything runs really great but my one problem is that all the english patches for this game patch the game with a widescreen aspect ratio code without any options to exclude it, but I would prefer to play on my CRT. Is there any way anyone here would have the knowledge to help me create a code to force KH2FM to use the default aspect ratio settings so I can play this game in English in 4:3?
    Post by: piggyjelly, Feb 5, 2018 in forum: Code Vault