Recent Content by pielover316

  1. pielover316
  2. pielover316
    Breaking The Melody
    Damon Macdonald - Lead/Rythem Guitar - Vocals
    Kyle Long - Lead/Rythem Guitar
    Me - Bass - Vocals
    Ashley Flecknoe - Drums
    Post by: pielover316, Oct 29, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  3. pielover316
    Gah, movie is a huge disappointment to me in all ways. Can't even stand it let alone appreciate it as a stand alone item with no reference to the books. DX
    Post by: pielover316, Oct 28, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  4. pielover316
    Well seems the first film adaption has been released, and it starts of from the perspective of The Vampire Assisstant(the second of the books) and has little to no accuracy to the story whatsoever. Im disappointed in what theyve done with it as i was thinking that maybe a good film version of the book could somewhat pull me out of my growing hate for vampire films and tv series, with all this stuff like twilight and vampire diaries. Truth be said this movie has only made things worse, with inaccurancy to all characters as well as a rather irritating script, I simply just find this attempt at recreating the books sad. I wasnt able to pull myself to watch the entire movie, so if it does come back on track well then my bad, but from the first 20-30 mins or so that i was able to put up with is what i judged on.
    Post by: pielover316, Oct 28, 2009 in forum: Literature
  5. pielover316
    Yo, happy mother's day! D got me to do this so yeah
    *fires confetti everywhere*
    Post by: pielover316, May 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. pielover316
    cool, thank you, now i wonder how long itll take before a decent number of other people join XD
    Post by: pielover316, Feb 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. pielover316
    Breaking my train of thought, i realised i had walked straight past Cian. Taking my hands out of my pockets in order to make the usual hand gestures i make while explaining things. "No, i didnt set your table on fire." I begin to explain. "I lit your lamp on fire, which then that flame engulfed most of your table." Turning as i finished my sentence to return to bed, hoping that Cian would not regester what i had said before i made it around the corner and out of sight.
    Post by: pielover316, Feb 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. pielover316
    Staring at an empty bed i realised my plan had failed. With another flick of my wrist i withdrew the fire that was begining to engulf the bedside table. "Where the hell would Cian be at this time in the morning." I murmured to myself as i opened the door to let myself back out of the Prior's room. "Getting up this early was such a drag, and now i didn't even get anything out of it. Im going back to bed." I continue murmuring to myself as i go to close the door behind me.
    Post by: pielover316, Feb 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. pielover316
    OOC: ok then, i guess i can start this now.

    Opening the door to the Prior's bedroom quietly so i wouldnt wake them. "Now for a 5am wake up call courtousy of the elements" i wispered to myself. Creeping up to Cian's bed and with a flick of the wrist, lighting the bedside lamp on fire, I yell at the top of my voice "WAKEY WAKEY CIAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    Post by: pielover316, Feb 3, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. pielover316
    Id like to take Lloyd Irving if i may ^_^
    Post by: pielover316, Jan 31, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. pielover316
    Name: Trace Tenson

    Age: 17



    History: As a young boy he had a normal life, he was quite smart, and he did what needed to be done, no more and no less. He was always quite the lazy one, and hed usually be the one in class who did his work then took a nap striaght away. He was then killed in the bombing and has now come to the other side and is the known as the "Sage" because of his connection to his elemental power.

    Personality: He's a real joker, he's lazy and quite easy going, but also very quick to aggitate and even quicker to use his element to resolve things.

    Element: Fire

    Fighting Style: Element and knife, single handed element use, single backhanded knife.

    Other: Because of his lack of focus and lazy nature, although he in completely tapped into his element, he isn't always able to use his element to it's full potential, but when he's serious his ability reaches its potential

    Played by: Pielover316

    Post by: pielover316, Jan 29, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. pielover316
  13. pielover316
  14. pielover316
  15. pielover316
    Profile Post

    evening ^_^ whats up?

    evening ^_^ whats up?
    Profile Post by pielover316 for Juicy, Dec 22, 2008