Recent Content by Phil

  1. Phil
    This way can also be u sed to lvl up ur comands instantly! JUst equip 2 mega flares, and then 4 of whatever comand u want to level up. then go to the place in radient garden and after one turn, all ur comands in ur deck will be leveled up! all my comans r fully max!
    Post by: Phil, Oct 12, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  2. Phil
    run up and just start attacking him. when he takes out his hammer, dodge roll away from him until the hammer is gone. when the battering ram is revealed, run up and attack it. this is a very weak point. and as for the heartless on top shooting arrows? i just ignored them. but if u want to take them out, just block their arrows to send them back at them. i think that's how it works. hope this helps!
    Post by: Phil, Oct 12, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  3. Phil
    for MA, i think i beat it on level 49. you definately need at least 2 curagas. i had 1 curaga with a cura. and when the boss starts to do his combo swings, just block and u should be able to retaliate. of course this worked for terra. retaliating will stun his and let u attack. and when he goes into the ground, use that time to heal if u nedd it. when he comes up, be fast and use a shot lock command. make sure u use it to MAX so u get multiple shots. i think the electric shot lock stuns him. u also might want a a few elixers in ur comand deck because Shotlock comands r good for the last boss fight. thats all i can say about the MA.

    and for the race way...the last track definatly ticked me off. the shortcut after the first ramp(when u enter the garden area) probably isnt worth attempting because i always missed the ramp and ended up getting in last. the only way to get it is to start slowing down under ur aligned with it and then floor it.
    thats all i got, hope it helped.
    Post by: Phil, Oct 12, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help