Recent Content by personperson561

  1. personperson561
  2. personperson561
    when i was watching the countdown today i think i saw another edit in haut the cn version when lindsay finds out that she got her picture in a magazine,she says something like "maybe if i get an acting coach and my nails and hair done i'll get on the cover" and in the teletoon version she says "maybe if i get an eating disorder or my boobs done i'll get on the cover"
    Post by: personperson561, Dec 7, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. personperson561
    Because of the new Foster's movie.
    I'm guessing because it was Thanksgiving, and this week the huge finale episode is gonna be on. A lot of people wouldnt get to watch it.

    thanks! do u know when it'll come on?
    Post by: personperson561, Dec 2, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media
  4. personperson561
    does anyone know why tdi didn't come on on thursday?
    Post by: personperson561, Dec 1, 2008 in forum: Movies & Media