Recent Content by pas

  1. pas
    So why did he want to rescue Kairi in KH 1, or share a papou fruit with her ? (which he couldn't because he lost that fight anyways)

    Anyway, another question, in your sig you write that Roxas is the baddest thing in KH II ? Why ? And can I guess one thing ? You hate Cloud too ? (I don't want to offend you I just would like to know the reasons)

    To round this thread up:

    I guess the most don't like Sora because he is like he is, optimistic and funny most of the time. I myself prefer Roxas for example. It may also be because it annoys us to always see him when there other characters which may suit well for the main character role too (why I want to play 358/2 so badly once it is out).

    It is all a matter of preferences, and the most of you seem to play it just for the one character they prefer or the one action a specific character performs, there is always something in a game we don't like, cause life (AND) the game would be boring if there would be boring if there weren't such things.

    So accept it and have fun.
    Post by: pas, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts