Recent Content by Paopu

  1. Paopu
    Lmao, you realize that'll probably be it. At the ending credits... we see Roxas going into the pod room where we first see Sora in KHII.
    Post by: Paopu, Aug 1, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. Paopu
    Exclusive?! Damn you Nintendo! I don't have another reason to buy the 3DS... I don't think it'll be worth it. We don't even know what this title is about. I don't see it being KH3 in disguise, especially since they are wearing their KH1 outfits. *straps on an RPG and walks to Nintendo's headquarters* Damn them all.
    Post by: Paopu, Jun 15, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. Paopu
    Making all of these side stories is taking away from the original hype of the Kingdom Hearts series. It takes away the authenticity. Like Days for the DS. Nomura could have produced a movie instead about Roxas' story, like Advent Children for FFVII. People always want more, more, more but the more these random games keep coming the less valuable the series seems. It just seems like a money making tactic. Continue the original story by making KHIII. Then focus on the other pieces. Make a manga dedicated to tying up loose ends. Another reason it seems like a money making tactic is because of how many different systems this series has come out for. PS2, GBA, DS, mobile phone now PSP. What's next? Wii? 360?

    My two cents.
    Post by: Paopu, Jun 6, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Paopu
    I just want KHIII. Stop working on side KH stories Nomura!
    Post by: Paopu, Jun 6, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Paopu
    I don't read Japanese... can someone please lead me through the steps to download it? :)
    Post by: Paopu, May 8, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. Paopu
    They have blankets!

    So I went into Hot Topic to get that $1.99 pin because it was only a couple bucks. While there I was stopped and stunned by the softest and most beautiful Kingdom Hearts throw blanket! I love it! It was $20.

    Just an fyi for everyone who doesn't know! ^_~
    Post by: Paopu, Apr 21, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. Paopu
    My votes:

    1. Sora
    Chosen wielder of the keyblade.
    2. Riku as Ansem
    3. Roxas
    4. Xehanort's heartless
    4. Axel
    Post by: Paopu, Feb 3, 2009 in forum: New Releases
  8. Paopu
    Yay! Reserved my copy today! Now we have something else to do while waiting for Days and BBS.
    Post by: Paopu, Sep 20, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. Paopu
    We'll have to wait for TGS then. That would be cool if they announced anything on KHIII already.
    Post by: Paopu, Sep 7, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. Paopu
    I'm actually a little surprised that there wasn't a Parasite Eve game for the PS2, looking forward to the new one though.

    Anyone know who the red-haired girl with the pigtails is on the bottom scan under Cloud?
    Post by: Paopu, Sep 6, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. Paopu
    Wow, you're completely getting worked up over an opinion. "Baseless" or not it's an opinion. I think it's funny how you analyzed my entire response. Too much anger over something so trivial. Do you harp on everyone else whose opinion you don't agree with? You're not a Kingdom Hearts Guru. I think I'll block you and your angry responses. Sheesh, get a grip man.
    Post by: Paopu, Sep 4, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  12. Paopu
    So why such seriousness over an opinion? For one, everyone here knows it's only a rumor. Hence, if the rumor is true then KHIII won't be out for atleast another year.

    Secondly, do you not expect them to improve their graphics? I never said anything about KHI and KHII looking awful so there's no reason for you to be on a high horse there. The PS3 is the best system right now for large games and steller graphics and picture for said large games - the Wii would not be able to handle a powerful game like that. Again, KHIII would look awful on the Wii - because it would not compare to the two previous games.

    By the way, if you only like the series because it looks good then that's all you. Me personally, I love the series for many other reasons, I really don't care that much what it looks like, the story pulls me in, among many other things.

    Good lord man, just chill out. >.< Honestly no need for harsh debate. It's just a game and I'm just a user stating an opinion, like everyone else here. There's seriously no need to get uppity.
    Post by: Paopu, Sep 4, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  13. Paopu
    Kingdom Hearts III most likely won't be out for at least another year! Even though I don't have a PS3 yet I'm glad it's exclusive. KHIII would look awful on the Wii! *cries*
    Post by: Paopu, Sep 3, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Paopu
    What exactly do they do? Do they all have the same abilities or are the abilities adjusted to each character?

    Also... in the Calm Lands, after I trained a Chocobo, where do I find it to ride it again later on?

    - Thanks!​
    Thread by: Paopu, May 29, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Gaming