Recent Content by Ozzy

  1. Ozzy
    Hey everyone! Long time lurker and massive KH fan coming out of the shadows. I looked through this forum and felt compelled to make my own little contribution. :) In case anyone has seen the Kingdom Hearts: Mad Mix series on YouTube (probably not), that was me. :P Anyway, moving on.

    My friend Ole and I recently got together to make a new nerdy web series, made up of a live action story mixed with 2D and 3D animation, and featuring a bunch of classic games. There's some Mario, some Final Fantasy etc, but Kingdom Hearts is by far one of the biggest influences in the story so far, which should be obvious to KH fans who watch it. ;) Therefore I thought this might be a good place to post it and maybe hear some of your opinions. :) I did most of the writing and editing, and play the part of "Player 2" in the series. Anyway, I'll shut up now and post the links to the first three episodes, the last of which was finished just a few days ago! Enjoy!

    Episode 1 - "DAWN"
    Episode 2 - "DESTINY"
    Episode 3 - "COMMENCEMENT"

    All feedback is very much appreciated! :) And if you're not really convinced after the first episode, I hope you'll still consider watching the next two. It took us a few episodes to perfect the formula, and personally I feel episode 3 is miles above the first two in terms of quality (not to mention in HD). So enjoy, and let us know what you think! :D
    Thread by: Ozzy, Nov 16, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio