I'm kinda new to making AMVs. This is my second one.... please be nice :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLkWUdKSRUM
To finish a video I'm making I need to download: "The World That Never Was Pt. 2" cutscene Unforunatly the link on this site that is suppose to take me to the download on FileFront, instead takes me to the: "Hollow Bastion: Fifth Visit" cutscene. Does anyone know where I can download "The World That Never Was Pt. 2" cutscene???
they're my favorite games next to Kingdom Hearts. Nippon Ichi makes great Strategy-RPGs. Their games are: -Rhapsody -Disgaea -La Pucelle -Phantom Brave -Makai Kingdom -Disgaea 2 my favorite would have to be the origional Disgaea. Anyone else play SRPGs?
I'm Overlord_Baai... I just got into making AMVs with WMM. I'm currently making my second AMV :D I'm almost done. I just need to down load the cutscene: The world that never was: Visit 2, Part 2 I don't think the link works though, can anyone help me? :'(