Aww man does this mean no more spdude jokes?
Welcome! awesome to a new owner and hopefully a new server.
I'll kinda miss those Data base errors though...[/sarcasm]
I'm goin up north to my family's cottage for a week. So I won't be around here for awhile... Unless I can find wifi which is unlikely :/
Anyways see you guys later~
Try not to do anything too crazy while I'm gone xD
Your username is really awesome even though I can never seem to remember to spell it right XD In addition to this you're a really cool person, and are pretty funny as well :)
BBS is undoubtedly the best hand held kingdom hearts game. The story line is phenomenal, and the game play is top notch. Not to mention it will keep you entertained much longer than any of the other hand held games. You could easily burn a good 50 hours in BBS as opposed to recom which takes around 12 hours.
Kingdom hearts is of course my favorite of the 4. Gotta love it... Both 1 and 2 are classics, not to mention some awesome others like BBS and recom. It's always been my favorite series ever since I was a kid. My second favorite series off that list would have to be Sonic. I love the older sonic games like adventure 2 battle and sonic advance :3 they were some of my favorite games when I was growing up. I mustve logged a good 300+ hours on adventure 2 battle lol. The beauty of sonic games is that you can play the same level over and over and it almost never gets old. Gotta love it xD