Recent Content by One Who Matters

  1. One Who Matters

    Thats what its gonna look like. : <
    Post by: One Who Matters, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. One Who Matters
    I can definitely help out with that, cept one problem. : <

    They wont wanna help. Anyone who's decent, or mad good with MUGEN coding, will almost NEVER make a character out of the blue when someone asks them...*sigh*

    I'll see what I can do...but I'm dead certain this will never work. : <
    Post by: One Who Matters, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. One Who Matters
    Sounds like a nice plan...: <, but it'll never work.

    The KH-community...doesn't have the necessary manpower or anything close to it to make a decent mugen project.

    Not like I'm trying to be rude, or putting others down! o.o Just being realistic...
    Post by: One Who Matters, Jul 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. One Who Matters
    Hah, I'm not offended. I partly came on here to post this, the other was to help out Xaldin with something.

    Dont worry, more giggles to come I bet. ^_^
    Post by: One Who Matters, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. One Who Matters
    That directed at me, or the Red?
    Post by: One Who Matters, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. One Who Matters
    Hi everyone! My first post here, and ignore the usename! I go by Mail Jeevas!

    Anyways, without further delay, in this thread I'll be posting all of my best and most funnest experiences with the member Redsonic. ^_^


    Mail Jeevas says:
    is Redsonic online right now?
    Mail Jeevas says:
    I need to raise my self-esteem, if you don't mind
    Mail Jeevas says:
    lol, Xaldin told me the whole story
    Tomogirl (..) says:
    Yeah he is.

    Redsonic has been added to the conversation.

    Mail Jeevas says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    if it isn't REEEED!!!
    Mail Jeevas says:
    howya doin?!
    Tomogirl (..) says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    no one's there?!
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    lets wait til he replies ^_^
    Tomogirl (..) says:
    If you ask him probably something about the "cheats", he may take the bait.
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    while this isn't bait, I'm really not supposed to say it
    Mail Jeevas says:
    me and Xaldin found a working play-as-Riku code
    Mail Jeevas says:
    he's gonna upload a vid later tonight
    Mail Jeevas says:
    but seriously, Sonic
    Mail Jeevas says:
    : <
    Mail Jeevas says:
    that was even lower than pathetic
    Mail Jeevas says:
    it was below pitiful
    Mail Jeevas says:
    and after all that "hard work"
    Mail Jeevas says:
    you end up dying at Shan Yu...
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    *smack again*
    Mail Jeevas says:
    you give KH gamers a bad name : <
    Mail Jeevas says:
    You're a bad man!
    Mail Jeevas says:
    A BAD MAN!
    Tomogirl (..) says:
    What did he do with Shan Yu?
    Tomogirl (..) says:
    Redsonic says:
    Redsonic says:
    You found a Play as Riku digit/
    Redsonic says:
    Redsonic says:
    Redsonic says:
    Maybe I might tell you how to get off Villain's Vale
    Redsonic says:
    I found out Session is impossible to do
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Redsonic says:
    but I found another way to get off
    Redsonic says:
    Oh lemme tell ya
    Redsonic says:
    You know how if you try to glide off
    Mail Jeevas says:
    just wanted to get your attention
    Redsonic says:
    you get removed?
    Mail Jeevas says:
    what is it with you
    Redsonic says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    and that attitude
    Redsonic says:
    Redsonic says:
    Seriously though
    Redsonic says:
    you know that
    Redsonic says:
    If you try to glide off VV
    Redsonic says:
    you start falling?
    Mail Jeevas says:
    um, pretty much
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Redsonic says:
    cause Glide gets removed get this
    Redsonic says:
    A peter pan summon that never ends
    Redsonic says:
    you will never fall
    Redsonic says:
    so you could just ''fly'' off the map
    Redsonic says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    thats nice
    Redsonic says:
    So technically
    Redsonic says:
    if we could ''glide'' off of Villain's Vale
    Redsonic says:
    we could get to every map in the game
    Redsonic says:
    including Destiny Islands
    Mail Jeevas says:
    : 3 hmm...
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Tomo, invite Riko please
    Redsonic says:
    Sounds like it could work
    Redsonic says:
    Redsonic says:
    Redsonic says:
    Is Tomo here/
    Redsonic says:
    *pulls the nudge chain*

    Redsonic just sent you a nudge.

    Redsonic says:

    Redsonic just sent you a nudge.

    Mail Jeevas says:
    too bad this is Web messenger >.>
    Redsonic says:

    Redsonic just sent you a nudge.

    Tomogirl (..) says:
    Redsonic says:
    oh ok
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Redsonic says:
    Mail wants you to invite ''Riko''
    Redsonic says:

    Play/stop Save as
    Mail Jeevas says:
    invite Riko this convo please ^_^
    Mail Jeevas says:
    to this*
    Redsonic says:
    I'm guessing that means it sounds like a good theory
    Redsonic says:

    [r i k o g n i t i o n] ??done la!! has been added to the conversation.

    Redsonic says:
    Redsonic says:
    We think we found out how to escape Villain's Vale
    Redsonic says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Redsonic says:
    [r i k o g n i t i o n] ??done la!! says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    lets not talk about what we already know
    Redsonic says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    and lets talk about what we already know
    Mail Jeevas says:
    but more of
    Redsonic says:
    Redsonic says:
    Redsonic says:
    get this
    Mail Jeevas says:
    like your little gamefaqs stunt ^_^
    Mail Jeevas says:
    care to elaborate?
    Redsonic says:
    Which one
    Redsonic says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    the most recent one
    Redsonic says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    the big challenge XD
    Redsonic says:
    Redsonic says:
    Oooohhh, Apul.
    Mail Jeevas says:
    okay, nevermind
    Mail Jeevas says:
    guess I will XD
    Redsonic says:
    Redsonic says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    get this, lol
    Redsonic says:
    The Challenge thing?
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Red here, being the slick he is
    Redsonic says:
    Level 1 Supreme Mode
    Redsonic says:
    No ABilities
    Redsonic says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    challenged a Roxas play-through at supreme mode with some other dude
    Mail Jeevas says:
    other dude played fair
    Redsonic says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    cept Red tweaked his abilties to Level 50 precisely
    Redsonic says:
    not a Roxas play-through
    Mail Jeevas says:
    JUST to get through Twilight Thorn
    Mail Jeevas says:
    and then, of all thing
    Redsonic says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    gets creamed by Shan Yu
    Redsonic says:
    Redsonic says:
    that about sums it up
    Redsonic says:
    THEN i kill Shan Yu
    Mail Jeevas says:
    and now, you're *****ing all over the place ^_^
    Redsonic says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    its like
    Redsonic says:
    i'm not complaining about losing to Shan Yu
    Redsonic says:
    I beat him the second time around
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Redsonic says:
    did you even WATCH the video?
    Mail Jeevas says:
    I wouldn't make fun of this
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Redsonic says:
    Redsonic says:
    so anyway
    Redsonic says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    your immaturity is you say...
    Redsonic says:
    You know about Villain's Vale
    Redsonic says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    like a black hole
    Redsonic says:
    Redsonic says:
    *pokes Riko*
    [r i k o g n i t i o n] ??done la!! says:
    who are u and what hv u done with my mother
    Redsonic says:
    Redsonic says:
    Ok seriously
    Redsonic says:
    you know about Villain's Vale
    Redsonic says:
    [r i k o g n i t i o n] ??done la!! says:
    Redsonic says:
    [r i k o g n i t i o n] ??done la!! says:
    Redsonic says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Redsonic says:
    why the **** do you invite someone that doesnt know what Kh2 is?
    Redsonic says:
    Ugh, i'm done.
    Redsonic says:
    And TOMO
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Redsonic says:
    I'll remember this
    [r i k o g n i t i o n] ??done la!! says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Mail Jeevas says:
    Riko lol
    Redsonic says:
    Redsonic says:
    CURSE YOU!!!
    Mail Jeevas says:
    the owner of KHN

    Redsonic has left the conversation.
    Thread by: One Who Matters, Jun 21, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone