Gourd- It looks liek no one makes good shounn-ai videos anymore...why? Or is it just that they aren't selected for the top five...because they're shounen-ai?
Kinda funny...but it seems to me like I've never seen an Akuroku vid OR a Soiku vid on the top 5 o.O is that ecause there aren't any good ones...or he just doesn't pick SoraxRiku and AxelxRoxas vids for the top 5? (Deathspank that is)
Don't diss Sora! Are you crazy? That song rocks, and so does he. I'll be his loyal subject forever, and I sing under the sea too. with all of my friends. as we're walking through the mall! And other people join in! Sora's awesome, and plus...you get to see him shirtless in that level, so...
lol I think most of us are like that. My school doesnt have a dress code, but I prefer to wear my dirty converse and ripped up jeans than a pair of regular jeans and a sweater vest. XD I and I hate pink too!
WOAH! More people know about this movie? Nice, I love classics, and this one was sweet, especially Teddy! He killed me! That was so funny. I don't understand why so few people have appreciation for the classics, like 'Some like it hot'.
I have a question and I dfon't know if this is the right thread, but I can't find one with this as a asubject. When it comes to fanfiction, can the fics be AU? (alternate universe if you don't know) Because I haven't seen any of those, and I was wondering it it was against the rules to post AU fics
Reflcet, because it makes it ALOT easier to kill sephiroth, which is very hard to do since he has MORE HP THAN XEMNAS...which is sort of confusing to me.