Recent Content by OmgIluvUppl4thisSiteYo

  1. OmgIluvUppl4thisSiteYo
    'the orders' appears to have a broken link

    In the english-subtitled version of the KH2FM cutscenes, the very first one, when axel doesn't want to destroy roxas right away, i'm not able to download it, but it looks like i'm able to download the other ones. Please please PLEASE help fix it!!!! Thank you! I think it was working earlier, but i click on it, and it keeps going to the same page...
    Post by: OmgIluvUppl4thisSiteYo, Oct 19, 2008 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  2. OmgIluvUppl4thisSiteYo
    I'm trying to download some of the english-subtitled cutscenes from kh2fm and it's not working. I go to download it and it says it's downloading but just keeps starting over. Could someone pleez tell me what i'm doing wrong or if you could please fix it? Thank you so much!
    Thread by: OmgIluvUppl4thisSiteYo, Oct 19, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance