Recent Content by Olid2010

  1. Olid2010
    No, the Kingdom Key is just the keyblade you always start with in all KH games...
    Post by: Olid2010, Jan 14, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  2. Olid2010
    Ok, I've sorted out the post, now I don't suppose my character could be reconsidered?
    Post by: Olid2010, Jan 14, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  3. Olid2010
    Was my character never accepted then?

    Username: Olid2010
    Name: Oli
    Age: 14
    Appearance: Fair but paling skin, dark brown eyes, brown hair that is the same style as that of Riku (Just, slightly shorter). He wears a grey short-sleeved shirt with a blue streak down one sleeve, orange shorts and dark blue & grey sandals. He is 5'2" tall.
    Personality: A kind hearted person who will do what he thinks is right and will stand by his friends through thick and thin without backing down. Can work out what someone is doing remarkably fast so it is nearly impossible to catch him off-guard.
    Homeworld: Izon
    What's most important to him? Friendship and to form permanent bonds with his friends.
    What does he want most out of life? To see rare sights and to make memories he'll never forget.
    What is he most afraid of? Being indecisive as he may miss an opportunity that'll never reappear.
    Path Chosen: Power of the Guardian
    Path Sacrificed: Power of the Hunter
    Ideal Keyblade: Dual Disc (KH3D - The Grid)

    KHSOS: Awakening
    Post by: Olid2010, Jan 11, 2014 in forum: OOC Lounge
  4. Olid2010

    Unless I'm mistaken, that is the keyblade once wielded by Master Eraqus in KH:BBS... I wonder why it was washed up on the island...
    Post by: Olid2010, Sep 2, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Olid2010
    Username: Olid2010
    Name: Oli
    Age: 14
    Appearance: Fair but paling skin, dark brown eyes, brown hair that is the same style as that of Riku (Just, slightly shorter). He wears a grey short-sleeved shirt with a blue streak down one sleeve, orange shorts and dark blue & grey sandals. He is 5'2" tall.
    Personality: A kind hearted person who will do what he thinks is right and will stand by his friends through thick and thin without backing down. Can work out what someone is doing remarkably fast so it is nearly impossible to catch him off-guard.
    Homeworld: Izon
    What's most important to him? Friendship and to form permanent bonds with his friends.
    What does he want most out of life? To see rare sights and to make memories he'll never forget.
    What is he most afraid of? Being indecisive as he may miss an opportunity that'll never reappear.
    Path Chosen: Power of the Guardian
    Path Sacrificed: Power of the Hunter
    Keyblade: Photon Debugger

    KHSOS: Awakening
    Post by: Olid2010, Sep 2, 2013 in forum: OOC Lounge