Recent Content by OdoruHinoKaze

  1. OdoruHinoKaze
    Thanks a ton!! The KHIIFM only items are the ones that are giving me trouble because the only guide I have is KHII.

    I hate those mushrooms! >:C Now, to endless hours of gaming.
    Post by: OdoruHinoKaze, Apr 6, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  2. OdoruHinoKaze
    Gah how am I supposed to see which items are missing they just show up as question marks! D:<
    Post by: OdoruHinoKaze, Apr 6, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  3. OdoruHinoKaze
    I did say I have the 100 Acre Wood one. The only one I'm missing now is by collecting all kinds of materials. First I'll have to figure out which ones I'm missing >_>''

    Thanks for your help!
    Post by: OdoruHinoKaze, Apr 6, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  4. OdoruHinoKaze
    Damn. D:

    Anyway I got an Energy Crystal from a Bookmaster but it did nothing :S
    Post by: OdoruHinoKaze, Apr 6, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  5. OdoruHinoKaze
    Thanks! I'll try to find it.

    Still, that would make it 7 Orichalcum+ and I only have 6. Where is the last one?
    Post by: OdoruHinoKaze, Apr 6, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  6. OdoruHinoKaze
    I beat KHIIFM+ once and I'm trying to get Ultima Weapon now, I haven all the ingredients needed except 13 Orichalcum+.

    I've collected the ones at Space Paranoids, Twilight Town, 100 Acre Wood, World That Never Was, Atlantica and the one from Goddess of Fate Cup. That makes 6. Can someone tell me how to get the other 7? :C

    Sorry if it's a noob question.
    Thread by: OdoruHinoKaze, Apr 6, 2008, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help