Recent Content by oblivion19929

  1. oblivion19929
    have you ever thought of being a counselor?

    you remind me of my dad, always harsh and painful (even if you don't mean too) but truthful.

    Like a smack in the face hard enough to wake me from this living hell. lol

    Thanks guys...
    Post by: oblivion19929, Jun 11, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  2. oblivion19929
    I need some cheering up :(

    yeah I know, unbelievable isn't it? I bet thats what your thinking if you know me.. Im not the kind of guy to get depressed but theres a 1st time for everything.

    well heres why:

    Today I found out that my family is moving. My dad is Canadian and my mother is Costa Rican. Right now we live in the U.S. We are moving back to Costa Rica. I came to the U.S when I was 3 so I have lived here all my life. What maybe 13 years now. Im gonna have to leave all my friends and go to a place that I dont know off. Different language and schools and you know the rest. Really sucks. Im really close to my life long friends.

    To make it worst, about a month ago me and my girlfriend broke up. I have tried my best to get over her but it isn't easy. Its been a month and it seems as if girls don't know I exist. Im one of the guys that if they like a girl, they don't just sit around, they actually do something about it. All my attempts have been a failure. Im not used to failure. My parents are always pressuring me to get good grades and all this being "perfect" at other crap. I need a brake every once in a while but they dont understand.

    I really like this other girl (actually two) One of them I think hates me (or maybe I hate her) we dont ever talk and we avoid each other but I really like her, and we have many classes together. Just imagine this, a girl you might actually "love", you spend lost of time together, but you are like enemies. then the other girl.. I dont even like to talk about it.

    If you have gotten this far:

    Congratulations on being one of the few people that actually read this.

    I doubt many people will read this since its like 500 paragraphs long.

    I wont be expecting any responses so in the mean while, I will be in a little corner of my room, wishing everyone would die except for me :( At least for the girls to dissapear. (Yeah, I seem to hate girls now)......:(

    Man I sound pathetic :(

    Now I feal like just dissapearing :(
    Thread by: oblivion19929, Jun 11, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Discussion
  3. oblivion19929


    gay band eh....

    Well, as long as you are good and umm don't have any weirdness. For example things that would offend straight people then sure.

    You would then have to deal the other straight people. I'm sure many parents would not like to have their children listening to a homo-sexual band. Like my parents for example. specially if they are religious .

    I myself have no problem, nothing against homosexuals as long as they dont involve me in anything.

    But why not, youve got nothing to loose. Have a try at it m8. :)
    Post by: oblivion19929, Jun 11, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  4. oblivion19929
    The last one was the best!

    A ghost will rape your dog tonight: lol :D
    Post by: oblivion19929, May 30, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. oblivion19929
    have you tried google?

    Type in like television censored sound effect or something similar.
    Post by: oblivion19929, May 30, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. oblivion19929
    I hadn't spoken to her for about 2 weeks. Everyday that passed I liked her less and less. By yesterday (the day I asked her out) I really didn't want to ask her out, not because I was nervous but because I didn't want to be with her.

    I still asked her out, because I thought it was my nerves or something playing tricks on me and I thought it would eventually pass but I guess not...

    Unbelievable. This is really a huge mess!
    Post by: oblivion19929, Apr 27, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  7. oblivion19929
    I asked her, she said yes!

    Great job everyone, now the only problem is that I dont know if I like her anymore, but Im sure I can solve that disaster by myself.
    Post by: oblivion19929, Apr 26, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  8. oblivion19929
    Guys, I am so sorry :(

    Heres how my day went:

    I was planing on asking Crystal after school. Around 2nd period a friend of mine started being racist. Im half Costa Rican and half Canadian. He started talking crap about Canadians for a while until I got pissed off. I called him out to fight me after school. He was too much of a b***** to fight me but yet he was talking all this crap. He didnt want to fight me until all my friends pressured him unto fighting me. Still he was talking crap. Im a good fighter and all, but I was still nervous since I hadnt fought in a while.(Around a yr) So all day I was nervous about asking Crystal out, and having to fight Yerod. At the end of the day me and everyone that wanted to see the fight showed up at the back of the high school.(were the fight was gonna be at) . At the last second he calls it off (obviously he was scared to fight me) So I won the fight without having to hurt him, since I knew I could beat him, I mean I come from Trenton (a place with many "gangsters" that are mostly black. U know how white people are scared of most blacks.) and Yerod is white, you know how whites barely ever fight and go through what I had to go through with all the gangs and the fights. As soon as he told me that, I began toward the school to Crystal's locker to ask her out. I get to her locker and she isnt there. I ask my friend Marcus were she is and he says she already left. :(

    Sweet and short version:

    I was supposed to be in a fight. At last second the kind punks out. I go to ask Crystal out at her locker and I found out she already left.

    Lke I said Im so sorry guys. I wanted to ask her today so I wouldn't let you guys down, and myself down. I tired but was unable too. I swear on my life that tommorrow I will ask her out if its the last thing I ever do.

    As you can see I had a pissy day, as if god hates me!
    Post by: oblivion19929, Apr 25, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  9. oblivion19929
    Alright, thanks for the support, Ill let you guys know what happens tomorrow.

    Im always the supporter, but now it seems like Im the one in need of support, and I got it, so once agaib thanx. :)
    Post by: oblivion19929, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  10. oblivion19929
    It was only a minor fight. She isnt talking to me anymore though. so yeah, it cant get worst than that right?
    Post by: oblivion19929, Apr 24, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  11. oblivion19929
    2 months of school left. Exactly 38 days.

    Theres this girl named Crystal, we got into a.. what can I call it??? Lets say that we had a minor fight. Me and her were gonna go to my schools prom, and blah, blah, blah. A problem came out of that.

    I still like her though.

    To keep it short and sweet, do I ask her to go out with me (around here, asking someone out is askin them to be GF/BF.) or not. What do I have to loose right. Our relationship is already going down the drain so why not right?
    Thread by: oblivion19929, Apr 24, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: Discussion
  12. oblivion19929
    If I was to die, I would prefer painless. But if painless meant dieing like a little b****, than I would rather die with pain if it meant I would die fighting.
    Post by: oblivion19929, Apr 23, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  13. oblivion19929
    The Hikaru songs on KH games rock.
    I recently started listening to other of her songs and I hated them.
    Slow paced, horrible rythm ect.....

    Anyone else agree?
    Thread by: oblivion19929, Apr 22, 2007, 10 replies, in forum: Music