Recent Content by Oblivion Sora

  1. Oblivion Sora
    Urm.. I like the original Kingdom Key and the Star Seeker best.. *sweatdrop* But thats probs because they are the only one's I have up to now *Got the game and a PS2 Platinum/Slimline (Its so small and adorable x3 ) on christmas day*
    Post by: Oblivion Sora, Dec 26, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Oblivion Sora
    Solid, have you got a problem with playstation 2's? Well, SORRY.. >_> but its not my fault kingdom hearts 2 is only out of ps2. Jeez, like amber said, yeah you don't understand.

    Currently in Land of Dragons, need help with Treasure Chest locations *dies* I had to take forever to play Sora!! I'm now like erm.. ordering a coffin now xP I'm that ollllld now, but now I get to run around like a physcopath (spelling?) and shouting to myself out loud "Whee I'm Sora! Screw you Donald me and Goofy rock you! OMG wheres like that skateboard at twilight town I like totally wanna go boardin' like." I talk to myself I admit it, plus I make up and say out loud what I want the characters to say. Its like so randomly fun in my own childish way :D
    Post by: Oblivion Sora, Dec 26, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Oblivion Sora
    May not be important to you guys, but I've had a rollercoaster christmas, seeing as I've wanted a ps2 and kh2 for like a year, I peeked at my presents this year while my parents were out shopping, and I saw a ps2 box and a bag full of ps2 games with kh2 at the top of the bag, I got really excited and squealed and my mum came home and said they weren't for me so I didn't talk to her for the next 24 hours thus slamming my door in her face.. woke up today, christmas day, really cold like and she gave me the two things she said was for her friends son, why the heck did she lie to me and saw they weren't for me when they was :S but anyway, I'm currently up to the beasts castle, couldn't wait to play as Sora but I was doomed to be Roxas for 5 hours which was UTTER HELL. But I gotta admit.. the skateboarding was pretty fun.. :P
    Thread by: Oblivion Sora, Dec 25, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Oblivion Sora
    It pwns. Look its under my username :o
    Thread by: Oblivion Sora, Dec 16, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Oblivion Sora
    Mickey: Is annoying cause he is like always shushing people and stuffs.
    Donald: Can't talk english but he still rocks :D
    Goofy: PWNS. He(?) reminds me of my dog, he is clumsy, random and is a great excuse for a chair. (Sora lay on him in Neverland in kh1, I lay on mine or should I say mine flattened me)
    Post by: Oblivion Sora, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  6. Oblivion Sora
    Sora does look more muscular but he was asleep for a year, I would of expected him to be weak and scrawny, like me after 3 hours of sleep. :P
    Post by: Oblivion Sora, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  7. Oblivion Sora
    Timeless river was.. scary.. and Sora was a twig, his body was like 2cm wide and his puffy pants were 10cm wide. o_o I'm not dissing Sora's pants though but why in kh1 does he have giant pant legs?! kh2 pants were okay, but kh1 wtf.
    Thread by: Oblivion Sora, Dec 16, 2007, 35 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. Oblivion Sora
    I've just made a discovery!! Tomato ketchup burns your tongue when you eat it separate from other foods. :D
    Post by: Oblivion Sora, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  9. Oblivion Sora
    I don't mean it as in "which is sexier" I am just saying which one looks better, not hotter. Just BETTER. >_>
    Post by: Oblivion Sora, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  10. Oblivion Sora
    I'm a guy aswell, theres nothing wrong with saying if someone looks handsome or something, its just like girls, would it be wrong if a girl was telling a girl she looked pretty? Its just commenting. :)
    Post by: Oblivion Sora, Dec 16, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Oblivion Sora
    Basically its just which Sora looks better. I think kh2 because Sora in kh1 looked like 7 years old but after one year he looks 18 or something..
    Thread by: Oblivion Sora, Dec 16, 2007, 30 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts