Recent Content by ObiLaws

  1. ObiLaws
    Extra question and comment

    I just have an extra question and comment. Would you think about including Disney worlds that weren't included in the games (I already read the post about anime worlds)? Such as Toy Story? Or maybe bring back worlds such as Deep Jungle (Tarzan)? Because I noticed that you only included people from worlds in the second game although the worlds that got cut out from the first game were still there. And did I miss something (this is not story related) or did Simba's world not get destroyed. In the first one Jiminy Cricket said it was destroyed and then in the second one it was there again?!? :confused: :confused: :confused:
    Post by: ObiLaws, Apr 15, 2007 in forum: Archives
  2. ObiLaws

    I'm hooked too. I've only read to Chapter 4, but I'm really immersed in this story. Can't wait to read it all the way through! Good job, man! The only thing that seems out of place so far (how far I've read) is that, and this is mentioned a lot in the first KH game, the characters from all the worlds went to Disney Castle, yet in the first KH game Sora wants certain characters to come with him from their worlds but Donald always repremands him and says "But that would be medling!", so it doesn't seem true to the story that all the characters were at one spot.
    Post by: ObiLaws, Apr 12, 2007 in forum: Archives