Recent Content by Noxty

  1. Noxty
    I feel some overwhelmed at the forums I don't even know where to start posting lol
    Post by: Noxty, Apr 5, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Noxty
  3. Noxty
    Thank you! =3 and no worries I read all the rules.
    Post by: Noxty, Apr 5, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. Noxty
    Mickey already revealed who the seven were he said "Seven guardians of light keyblade wielders. Me, RIku, and Sora...then with the three still missing, that's 6...then the last one would be..." So Mickey already knows who are the 7 lights and like he said: Riku, Sora, and himself, and then when he says the three still missing that's Terra, Aqua, and Ven since they are missing they are trapped somewhere (note: aquae is in the realm of darkness, ventus is in castle oblivion or somewhere inside sora, and terranort did not appear in DDD) the last one obviously is kairi and that is why he tells Riku to get Kairi in the secret ending. Also it can't be Lea because Mickey didn't know he had a keyblade tell he pulled it out in the end they all had shocked faces besides he was a nobody he had some darkness in him so he can't technically be a guardian of light as MX says they are naturally chosen.
    Post by: Noxty, Apr 5, 2012 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. Noxty
    Well hey guys my name is Noxty or you can call me Nox for short anyways of course I'm a big fan of kingdom hearts and I was bored so I decided to join a forum to keep me entertained in my busy life and make some friends to talk about kingdom hearts.
    Thread by: Noxty, Apr 5, 2012, 9 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures