Recent Content by NoXHeart

  1. NoXHeart
    I like them because there are just alot of them and they're all so unique you can kinda relate to I feel bad for them. Everyone says they're evil but they arent. (except Saix, Xemnas and maybe Larxene and Xigbar). They just wanted things as they used to be. They wanted to feel, to live and I don't know its weird. It funny noble and cruel at the same time. But ya, I digress. And they're coats are awesome. And They're air of mystery. Plus Zexion is in it and he's just awesome.
    Post by: NoXHeart, Dec 16, 2011 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. NoXHeart
    Alright, well I'm new to the forums but I love the series and I like writing poetry so I figured I'd introduce myself doing just those.

    I am Nothing,
    I don’t Exist.

    I can’t feel.
    I don’t remember,

    How I was.
    Or who I used to be

    So all I know,
    Is how I am me,

    And no one else,
    For I am nothing.

    I don’t exist, can’t you see
    I am just a Nobody.
    Thread by: NoXHeart, Dec 16, 2011, 1 replies, in forum: Archives