Woo woooooooo.
I would surely hope not.
@Darkcloud I'm well. Been doing stuff here and there, every now, then, and again. You?
Yoooo, what up?
I agree with
Oh nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. [Hi]
How much do you
And it comes back to me like magic. How have you been? (:
Hola there. P: Psssssst, what's an older username I can remember you by?
What's in it for me now? Abusive hinting.
I don't exercise. At least I never go out of my way to do so. Occasionally I hike with a friend or get pressured into yoga, perhaps that counts?
Not visible? Perhaps the site is set to private, since I can see it fine. Time to switch to photobucket. Oh the effort. Edit:
I TAKE DAILY PICTURES OF MYSELF LIKE IT'S MY OCCUPATION. [Narcissism; I will reach the highest level of you one day.] I'll spare you with only one though. This is today's. I love not smiling.