Recent Content by ninjutsumaster1011

  1. ninjutsumaster1011
    i think dis-soul might be connected to the new enemy. you know like the heartless were from kh, the nobodies in kh2 and now dis-soul in the new series.
    Post by: ninjutsumaster1011, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. ninjutsumaster1011
    Hey I'm new here. Yep. I obviously luv Kingdom Hearts and all the characters!*squeezes Sora plushie*
    Is there anything I should know? :)
    Thread by: ninjutsumaster1011, May 29, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. ninjutsumaster1011

    .The Clip with Larxene and Axel (recom_oblivionfloor 6 i think) where Axel throws the card at Larxene, she kisses it, etc.
    .Axel throwing the card, Larxene kissing it, her talking to him and leaving.
    .medium would be great.
    ."As sweet as SeaSalt Ice Cream".

    If you could make this it'd be great! Thank you! :)
    Post by: ninjutsumaster1011, May 29, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  4. ninjutsumaster1011
    Since Disney bought Pixar after the making of kh2, I'm pretty sure most of their movies will be in kh3.

    btw, I'm new so sorry if I did this wrong. :)
    Post by: ninjutsumaster1011, May 29, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone