If they can get Hyperion/Scrap Dragon out, I can also get warning out and negate it. Hyperion is hard nerfed by the new banned list, so he isn't that easy to summon. And for scrap dragon you need enough synchro materials first. And if he runs into warning, most time, the deck can't recover from that.
And try to find chain material with 5 face-down cards, 1 of them warning, 1 of them bribe, 1 of them judgment and 1 of them road.
Chain disappearance hits dragonfly(or wind-up rat, etc..), GG. D.D. Crow will not only help against some of those, it also helps against wind-ups. Shadow-Imprisoning Mirror totally destroys any dark deck actually, if it is dark world, inzektors or else. The only one, which wouldn't be hit are malefics.
Does one day of peace need to be on the field? And if they heavy storm them, they run into starlight road with stardust, which means the end of destruction at all? And I can burst most people with only 3 Phoenix, then it is already over. A 3000+ dmg effect hits hard.
And beeing serious, who the hell runs variable form at all?
Well, I have 3 dark bribes in it and starlight road, so I can overcome some negations. And MST at Side, I love you.
And, if nothing helps, solemn judgment.
The discussion about the game was because I summoned 1 lightpulsar from grave and 1 from hand in same turn. First, I sent sangan and Holy Marker to grave for the one from grave and then I banished the other 2 to summon the one from the hand.
Okay, you can take the galaxy-eyes out, because actually, the effect of neo most time only hurts yourself. And every dragon-deck should run dark metal, he is a bit broken.