Recent Content by nickkingdomhearts2

  1. nickkingdomhearts2
    kh 358/2 days get the facts right

    Xion is NOT Kairi's nobody. she is just an extra memory of roxas because roxas has too much memory:type:. its sora then his nobodie is roxas and kairi and her nobodie is namine roxas is just an extra memory of xion like how roxas was made in kh2 thats the way she was made as well:/gasp:.
    and yeah she is Sora's strongest memory:yelling:. and Xion does use a keyblade in the game?:) Kairi did use a girly keyblade. but i wonder when u play mutliplayer on kh 358/2 days can u play as xion as well.:registro5B15D:
    Post by: nickkingdomhearts2, Sep 11, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. nickkingdomhearts2
  3. nickkingdomhearts2
  4. nickkingdomhearts2
  5. nickkingdomhearts2
  6. nickkingdomhearts2
  7. nickkingdomhearts2
  8. nickkingdomhearts2
  9. nickkingdomhearts2
  10. nickkingdomhearts2
  11. nickkingdomhearts2
  12. nickkingdomhearts2
  13. nickkingdomhearts2
  14. nickkingdomhearts2
  15. nickkingdomhearts2