Things have changed a lot in the industry, and a Final Mix may end up being a really good thing in the future.
In the Old Days: The first Final Mix seemed like a cash grab, but KH proved to be a huge success. It led to beefier Final Mix versions, like KH2's.
Today: Games go gold without necessary patches and content. KH3 will probably have DLC like any modern game too. A Final Mix version would not only contain this stuff, like those old GOTY editions (Do they still make those?), but it'd include all the stuff that the game inevitably won't be (But should have been!) shipped with.
As for the original KH's Final Mix, I'd still like to see a patch someday, and I'll keep supporting this project and thread. I hope that someone takes this project over, at some point.
In all honesty, DBM, I wouldn't obsess over the extra stuff in KH Final Mix. KH2's Final Mix is the juggernaut, since it added a healthy bunch of content plus Re: Chain of Memories. I totally get wanting everything, though, and it's a shame that Final Mix has had such difficulty getting a full patch. Still, it's great to have an active community here.
Now that I think about it, should we really buy KH3 right off the bat? There will likely be a Final Mix either for the PS4/XB1 or a Final Mix port on the following gen, right? I totally see a Kingdom Hearts 3.5 Final Mix in our future.
Thank you for the link, Zfreeman! Unfortunately, I'm a bit late, and the Data Battle and "O as an Attack" patches are no longer available. I hate to ask, but are those two patches available for download elsewhere?
I want to thank everybody for keeping this translation dream alive! Sora6645, I want to thank you for your hard work, and good luck with what's going on.
I'm really intrigued by Sora6645's patches. How are the KH1FM and KH2FM patches on the blog compared to Trilix's (1FM) and Xeeynamo's (2FM)? Respectfully, I get the feeling Sora6645's are much more complete than the others!
I've seen later-model PS2 Slim's do weird things with cheat discs. I believe Sony's last few models blocked them out in amusing ways. In one instance, I tried to load Codebreaker up on one of those late models, but the splash screens loaded so slowly that the program was completely unusable.
Sometimes, PS2's just develop quirks when reading discs. For example, random PS1 and PS2 games not loading is a common issue. From there, you have to test the discs in another console altogether. Remember: There's a high probability that nothing is wrong with the discs.
Well, it has been three months, but I'm sure Trilix hasn't forgotten about the project. In life, issues come up all the time, and passion projects are usually the first to get sidelined.
In the meantime, a good idea would be to compile a list of known bugs (minor to game-breaking). It's just a suggestion, though.
Hey, I just wanted to say thank you to Trilix and the team/supporters. As someone that doesn't own a PS3, this patch would give me the opportunity to play the game on its original hardware. (I'm looking forward to it being in 16:9, as well!) Good job, everyone!
Hello, all.
I'm quite excited to finally post on this board. Although, admittedly, I am "necro-posting" with this, but I do hope the fine folks here will forgive that and help me out.
You see, I just recently discovered the Room Mod codes for Kingdom Hearts, and I'd love to explore the areas that are sealed off from normal gameplay. However, I can't seem to get the Room Mod to work properly.
You see, Sora doesn't load when I transition to the intended area. I'm too low on the map, and I cannot move or jump. If someone could help me get the Room Mod working, I'd be horribly appreciative.
Here's what I put in:
E003FDFF 004DD49C (R2 is the JOKER)
102B6568 00000002 (02 = Disney Castle)
102B6570 00000001 (01 = Library)
102B6574 000000FF (FLAG set to OFF)
I use the Seaside Shack savepoint as my start, and I head for the door and hold R2 during the transition. I can pause and save, but, as I stated before, I cannot move.