Recent Content by Netami Kurayami

  1. Netami Kurayami
    I've been searching for this for so long and it seems I can only find it on YouTube..

    Can someone please let me know where I could download this? Because I'm making a Sephiroth AMV...

    I suppose it is one scene that is not in the Cutscene Archive? Or maybe I overlooked it..?
    Thread by: Netami Kurayami, Feb 28, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  2. Netami Kurayami
    I've been searching for this for so long and it seems I can only find it on YouTube..

    Can someone please let me know where I could download this? Because I'm making a Sephiroth AMV...

    I suppose it is one scene that is not in the Cutscene Archive? Or maybe I overlooked it..?
    Thread by: Netami Kurayami, Feb 28, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX