Happy New Year everyone! I'll be back from my hiatus lol
What do you think was the best game of this year? Vote or post if the game isn't in the poll. Yes, I included iPhone games and remakes, DEAL WITH IT.
Yeah, I have a present. Who said it was for you? *walks away LIKE AN BOSS EMO* Thanks What? for the avatar! : D
To Muff Moneky:
I seriously hope this place isn't barren enough for people not to see this video I made. Sorry for the lack of pacing/rhythm. My computer sucks lol.
Just saying, I'm working on a similar project. ^_^
FIXED! :D *Victory Copyright Dispute Dance*
That's the problem: I CAN'T. They didn't give me a notification, so there's no area that says "SEND GODDAMN COUNTERCLAIM HERE".
To you too!
Wow! Thank you! You're awesome with poems! ^_^
UPDATE: Fixed! YAY! :D You can still watch if you want lol.