I totally agree with Misty. I want to play the game so bad, but I don't own a 3DS, and will most likely never get one. It's really frustrating. I 'm unable to play 358/2 and Re:Coded for the same reason.
Honestly, I've never really looked at the 3DS games. I guess you could say I'm a playstation snob since I don't really play on other systems. >_< The only nintendo system I own is the original NES I got when it was first released when I was a kid! How sad is that! Maybe I'll borrow my nephews and check it out more, and see how I like it. Don't know how many games he has for it though...
It's been so long since I played, but I do remember that Ice Titan wasn't too hard to beat. Kurt Zisa took probably about five tries to beat, but I did get him. Phantom... grrr... even though I knew the tricks needed to beat him, I just couldn't do it! I think my problem was the flying. I always had a hell of a time controlling myself while flying. So, yeah, never did beat Phantom.
I wonder how many people who don't know about the game will look at the pin with a dumbfounded look while asking themselves when Mickey ever wore a coat like that. I can see the question marks over their heads now...
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I think I have to say that my favorite is a toss up between Terra and Ventus. Now, don't get me wrong! I think Aqua is awsome too, but... I don't know. I just can't get myself to like her as much as the boys. I think that part of the problem with me liking her is that we don't get nearly as much of a story from her perspective of the game until the very end. The majority of the game with her is seeing her reaction to everything that Ven and Terra has done, and I personally found it a little boring, so that may be part of what's affecting my opinion of her. Like others have said, it's great that she's not the typical "damsel in distress" and can obviously take care of herself in a fight, and she doesn't have an obnoxious personality. In my opinion though, she did make a couple of conclusions that I felt she shouldn't have since she wasn't there to see what actually happened and didn't have all the facts, so that definately affected my opinion of her. Ven and Terra though, since the backbone of the story revolves around them, I think that helped me to really get to like them better. I was more interested in playing their sides since I wanted to know what would happen to them next and also in Vens case, what his connection to Sora was.