Recent Content by nekoakkuma

  1. nekoakkuma
    My face was only a few centimeters away from the screen.xD When BHKnight was frozen, I screamed, "NOOOOO!" even though I hardly know the character.xD
    Post by: nekoakkuma, Apr 8, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. nekoakkuma
    Top five
    1.Zexion(Zexy xD)
    3.Roxas(Roxy xD)
    5.Demyx(Demmy <3)
    Then it would be Marly, then everyone else.xD
    Post by: nekoakkuma, Apr 8, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  3. nekoakkuma
    Delightful.xD I get enough concussions from being flipped in Taekwondo.
    Where's Kairi's girly keyblade anyways?0_o Does she ever even use it?
    Post by: nekoakkuma, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. nekoakkuma

    "Kingdom HEarts: where the hell did the keyblades go!" is my favorite.xD I hope Nomura doesn't turn this into a second Final Fantasy. Anyways, my speculation was pretty off. I don't really remember it though. I remember thinking, "What? How does Roxas look like Sora? He has blonde hair that somewhat sweeps to the side for heaven's sake!"
    Post by: nekoakkuma, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. nekoakkuma
    lol! xD
    What if the keyblades could talk...?
    Kairi's Keyblade: Why the heck am I even in the middle of a fight?O_O
    Riku's Keyblade: Shut up and fight.-_-
    Sora's Keyblade: You both suck.D:<
    Anywayssss, I think that by now we can assume that almost every theory we ever come up with will be almost completely wrong. We did an awful job with KH II.xD Not to mention we actually have hardly any information about KH III at all. We don't even know what it'll be called. Anybody have any ideas on what it'll be called?
    Post by: nekoakkuma, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. nekoakkuma
    Yeah...I still think that they ran away after the Knights were defeated though. We might be over thinking this. What if the sudden change in weapons was just a glitch Nomura missed? The two trailers don't have to match up perfectly either.
    Post by: nekoakkuma, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. nekoakkuma
    What if the main keyblades knew they were going to lose...xD...
    Sorry, that just sounds funny.
    Maybe when the keyblades ran off they ran off to Riku, Kairi, and Sora. The Knights didn't know where the keyblades went, so they're trying to reclaim them.
    Post by: nekoakkuma, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  8. nekoakkuma
    Ooh, I didn't notice that.>< What if the FM+ video ISN'T directly after the secret ending.
    Post by: nekoakkuma, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. nekoakkuma
    Overall I think the knights were defeated, but BHC seems to be okay.
    I just realized something: We've hardly touched the fact that Baldy practically opens the way to Kingdom Hearts. What does he do once he opens the path?
    Post by: nekoakkuma, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. nekoakkuma
    For now it's written on a bunch of differently sized and textured pieces of paper.xD I'll type it up when I stop being so lazy and I put my darned video on youtube.
    *starts reading the descriptions of other fanfics and eyes start bleeding* Wow. People come up with weird fanfics.
    Anyways, I agree with the general idea that Xehanort completely lost all of his memory. On a side note, the Organization is pretty much dead by now so the next person to say that a member of the Org will come back in the next KH will be pummeled.
    Post by: nekoakkuma, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. nekoakkuma
    Only in my fanfic.xD
    Post by: nekoakkuma, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. nekoakkuma
    ...I died inside a little when the Roxas look-alike was thrown frozen off the edge of the cliff...
    Anyways, that's actually a pretty good Xehanort theory. It would make sense with most everything else that's going on.

    Maybe he's Saix's somebody? That still wouldn't make sense because Saix himself calls the BHC a friend and he would've forgotten about her when he turned into a nobody.
    Post by: nekoakkuma, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. nekoakkuma
    Huh...maybe it DID look harder. There's a possibility that the keyblades took awhile to find the proper masters and that's why so many worlds were already overrun with heartless by the time Sora, Riku, and Kairi entered the story.

    I'm confused about Mr. Baldy as well.xD Maybe he was the old villian that the four original keybearers had to fight. Maybe he's already gone and died. That would only be the case if is this was in the past.
    Post by: nekoakkuma, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. nekoakkuma
    *drumroll* That's right, it's...
    insane theory time! *clapping*
    First off, I'd like to point out that while some things point to this being set in the past, others point to it being in the future.

    -As was pointed out earlier, the crossroads look rather dead and dried out. If these are the same originally green crossroads that we've seen before, it must have taken awhile for everything to die. There's the possibility that this is an entirely new crossroad, however.
    -Why are the keyblades so old and rusty? Maybe it's because they haven't been used in awhile. Plus, how is it that the Chasers are able to use them?

    -Mickey isn't using his inverted kingdom key, but a different type of keyblade that he presumably received after training with Yen Sid.

    Other notes
    -I don't think it's possible that the RK could actually be Roxas. At first I was positive it was Roxas, but then something occurred to me. Let's say this happened in the past. Mickey was using his inverted kingdom key throughout the entire time Sora has been in the picture and Roxas was born when Sora became a heartless in the later part of the first game. How could Mickey be using his old keyblade while Roxas existed if Roxas was born AFTER Sora even appeared? Even if you say this happened in the future it isn't possible simply because of the laws of the world. Now that Roxas has returned to being a part of Sora's heart, he can't just exit and enter whenever he likes. We could go out on a limb and say that Sora can now transform into Roxas, but Nomura said that the three knights were completely new characters. *shrugs* That's my logic.

    Now for my theory. I think the crossroads are where all of the keyblades go when they're not used. I think that the reason Sora, Kairi, Riku, and the King's keyblades are all in the middle is because those are their "default" keyblades. I suspect all the other keyblades are ones that correspond to a different world and can be activated using keychains. I think this is in the past because of a few different reasons. I suspect that the three keyblades haven't been used in awhile because there hasn't been a need for them to be used. Now the four "original" keybearers are needed to save the worlds and must reclaim their seperate keyblades. Mickey, who didn't participate in the fight, remains unhurt while the other three keybearers are defeated. This doesn't necessarily mean that they died, but perhaps they were so weakened that they either decided to pass the keyblades on to new bearers(AKA Sora, Riku, and Kairi) or that the keyblades chose new masters(I think this is a key element of Kingdom hearts that a lot of people have forgotten).

    Now is where I start reaching the edge of the limb I'm already wobbling precariously on. Sora, Riku, and Kairi must reclaim their keyblades to fight a new enemy that Mickey has told them about through the letter that's seen in the secret ending of KHII. Let's say that the original keybearers also know about the new threat and decide that they need to reclaim their keyblades in order to fight it. That would explain why Sora fights one of the Chasers.

    There's some holes in the theory and I didn't mention a lot about EVERY character, but this is my opinion.
    Post by: nekoakkuma, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX