Recent Content by NekkoSora

  1. NekkoSora
    Major Disappointment

    Okay I know alot of people are going to think I'm talking about the game in general, but let me tell you that you are wrong. The game so far was amazing!(only managed to get to the second battle with Riku)
    So with that said I must continue with my "disappointment". Like I just said I only managed to get to the second battle with Riku because for some lucky reason I managed to come into contact with a defective game. No matter how many times I tried the game would not let me save. Upon realizing this I nearly had a heart attack because like many gamers I know I wait till the very last minute to save my data, and after about 18 hours of constant play I was ready to save and was denied by the game. Thinking my memory card was full I shut down my system losing all my progress and went to delete any unneeded data.(I had not played my game in a while and didn't know what was on the card) I found my card completely empty. I was about ready to die and thinking the card was faulty I borrowed my friends memory card. I repeated my mistake and got to the fight with Larxene and was denied my save. So thinking his card was faulty I went out and bought a new card. Same thing happened. So I borrowed my friends system thinking mine was messed up, but had the same ending. I am so pissed off and I need to get a new copy or something. It sucks. If you have the same problem know that its not your system, its the game itself.
    Post by: NekkoSora, Dec 9, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates