Recent Content by nasirrich

  1. nasirrich
    We interlope to help promote
    Step out of pocket and get hit by some sick folk
    Feeding you knowledge through spokes
    In hopes its contents will manifest
    Gargantuan tangents for the next minds to interject
    We stress
    Nonetheless is more than ignorance invest
    You can't spin success if Man's next steps is what you plan to conquest
    Here's to context unhindered by the likes of a goody two shoes
    I mind my P's and Q's
    Eat crust on my PB&J's too
    No Jay's, but rocking shoes blue suede
    HOTP is the epitome of POTG all colors no barricade
    Open that for Christmas!!
    Sincerely a poet who Dragon Slays :3
    Post by: nasirrich, Dec 24, 2018 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  2. nasirrich
  3. nasirrich
    I get too excited when I see the writers riders ride on us to catch the wave
    Fork in the road don't matter I look forward to cruising back
    Yes behave
    Left rite right write as the crown was being lifted from the forsaken scriptures scripted
    That's my space
    Yes My space
    The same space this place is committed too
    Adhering to the fans, for the biggest jam, that has it's own section for spam, and every other thing man
    Advocate for the truth
    That's why it's a friendly Home grown interactive community
    Post by: nasirrich, Sep 13, 2018 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  4. nasirrich
  5. nasirrich
  6. nasirrich
    Despite your flaws you still passion for something
    You change up who you are for many so a mask is what you're hunting
    There's a burning ember inside you don't extinguish that drive
    Rock in a hard place when the ember in a mask try to coincide

    Too many are quick for a protest
    There's little to no alternative ideas cooking but there's an array of chefs
    You can bet your bottom dollar that "We The People" aren't served next
    Sit and wait for this squabble to squash down
    Peel the roots of these nuts only to have them turn up brown
    Ban nana only since we can't have them induce potassium now
    Do any of you truly show compassion without having to be asked when it's time for privileged actions to spark factions to flat fractions despite reactions of those who fare less than NYC cabs packed thin?
    Never has been a demand for more people to stand high
    You can't shoo away all problems if your immediate response is too standby
    In life the path of least resistance allows more to coagulate
    Pool those enriched minds and the seeds of knowledge will no longer be hidden and displaced
    In turn we teach to impeach not even discrete when we lable an admirable passion a freak
    No dismissing what you can easily obtain
    What would posses you to obscure your fire for a commercial easy flame
    I want hard cold facts ; because that in which you distract only to interact with that mask is never something I could ascertain
    Look here
    We maybe all bags of flesh whose emotions consign success
    Be impressed; by the most emotional motion moments motionless
    Potent proportioned potions poke poor promotional emotionless
    Social media nests discourage progress unless your pursuit of happiness ends without a will to manifest

    Despite your flaws you still passion for something
    You change up who you are for many so a mask is what you're hunting
    There's a burning ember inside you don't extinguish that drive
    Rock in a hard place when the ember in a mask try to coincide

    Man time sure flys by. It has been a while since I posted a poem or stopped by KHV. I want to thank all who visit this here little thread.
    Thread by: nasirrich, Oct 29, 2017, 0 replies, in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  7. nasirrich
    I ran away from Home Of The Poets because of that epic fail.
    It would have been easier if the rhetoric was written in brail
    Looking back I over analyzed the proposed tasked like a fireman climbing up a charred rail
    I see past the horizon so at zero dawn this ship'll set sail
    Not even lyrical for em
    Yet the way the eyes twitch makes me see that their mind frail
    Look; we can weigh the options but truth of the matter is this operation is on a large scale
    Thanks for that dubious challenge Oda that took me two years to finally reply too because the humiliation of that mistake got me all pale
    Post by: nasirrich, Oct 29, 2017 in forum: Poetry and Lyrics
  8. nasirrich