Recent Content by NarutoSuperKubii
Here are some screenshots of model cutting that I did.
Also was playing around with model rotations and I did something.... unsettling..
I don't really like posting incomplete or just to me useless codes but I don't really have the motivation to finish these and I don't think I ever will so I'm just gonna post em here for you guys if anyone wants to improve on these, all are loaded from the main menu
Custom Forms
Flaming Valor Form
21c76d28 4290cad8
21c76d2c 001abca5
21c76d30 001dff0e
1032E020 000001F2
1032EE24 000001F2
Wisdom Shooter -Emu version
2032F074 12120100
21c6ef88 42b108a8
21c6ef8c 001ae96f
21c6ef90 0021c25c
Wisdom Shooter -PS2 version
4032F064 00130001
12120100 00000000
21c6ef88 42b108a8
21c6ef8c 001ae96f
21c6ef90 0021c25c
Enigmatic Master -Emu version
2032F074 12121200
201C9A80 0000102D
21c7f568 430a0cdb
21c7f56c 001b5c32
21c7f570 002ab478
1032E020 000001F3
1032EECC 000001F3
Enigmatic Master -PS2 Version
4032F064 00130001
12121200 00000000
201C9A80 0000102D
21c7f568 430a0cdb
21c7f56c 001b5c32
21c7f570 002ab478
1032E020 000001F3
1032EECC 000001F3
Complete Final -Emu version
2032F074 12121200
201C9A80 0000102D
1032E020 0000002b
1032EF04 0000002a
21c742f8 426d46f4
21c742fc 001b46e1
21c74300 0021c234
Complete Final -PS2 Version
4032F064 00130001
12121200 00000000
201C9A80 0000102D
1032E020 0000002b
1032EF04 0000002a
21c742f8 426d46f4
21c742fc 001b46e1
21c74300 0021c234 -
I don't really like posting incomplete or just to me useless codes but I don't really have the motivation to finish these and I don't think I ever will so I'm just gonna post em here for you guys if anyone wants to improve on these
Nobodys in the City part of TWTNW
21cbcd54 ????????
21cbcd74 ????????
21cba474 ????????
21cba494 ????????
Play as Riku With Session
21cb96f0 48455f50
21cb96f4 5f303030
21cb96f8 45444953
21cb96fc 00524143
21cb9710 48455f50
21cb9714 2e303030
21cb9734 0023000d
11CFA3FE 00000054
21cb96ec 13000001
2037b888 756b6972
10340E60 0000023A
10340E62 0000023B
10340E64 0000023C
10340E66 0000023D -
I don't really like posting incomplete or just to me useless codes but I don't really have the motivation to finish these and I don't think I ever will so I'm just gonna post em here for you guys if anyone wants to improve on these, all are loaded from main menu
Play as Anti Sora disable all of the FM only abilities
Play as Anti Sora (disable all of the FM only abilities)
003f8811 000000FF
204ed5d4 00000001
204ed5d8 0008a74a
204ed5dc 000878a3
204ed634 00000001
204ed638 0008a85a
204ed63c 0005617e
204f1024 00000001
204f1028 0008a85a
204f102c 0005617e
204f1034 00000001
204f1038 0008a85a
204f103c 0005617e
204f1054 00000001
204f1058 0008a85a
204f105c 0005617e
204f1044 00000001
204f1048 0008a85a
204f104c 0005617e
2054c1c8 01067200
2054c22c 01067200
21141424 00000003
21141428 00000004
2114142c 00000005
21141430 00000007
21141720 00008012
21141724 00008013
21141728 00008014
2114172c 00008015
211415b8 00008017
211415bc 00008017
211415c0 00008017
21141730 00008012
21141734 00008016
21141738 00008015
21141748 00008015
2114174c 00008015
21141750 00008019
21141754 00008015
21141758 00008016
21141770 00008010
KH1FM -english patched iso
Play as Anti Sora (disable all of the FM only abilities)
003f8811 000000FF
204ed5d4 00000001
204ed5d8 0008a7c3
204ed5dc 000878a3
204ed634 00000001
204ed638 0008a8d3
204ed63c 0005617e
204f1024 00000001
204f1028 0008a8d3
204f102c 0005617e
204f1034 00000001
204f1038 0008a8d3
204f103c 0005617e
204f1054 00000001
204f1058 0008a8d3
204f105c 0005617e
204f1044 00000001
204f1048 0008a8d3
204f104c 0005617e
2054c1c8 01067200
2054c22c 01067200
21141424 00000003
21141428 00000004
2114142c 00000005
21141430 00000007
21141720 00008012
21141724 00008013
21141728 00008014
2114172c 00008015
211415b8 00008017
211415bc 00008017
211415c0 00008017
21141730 00008012
21141734 00008016
21141738 00008015
21141748 00008015
2114174c 00008015
21141750 00008019
21141754 00008015
21141758 00008016
21141770 00008010
Riku ally (could be for english patched or jap one i dont remember) only works in certain worlds like hercs world
204edde4 00000000
204edde8 00072fa4
204eddec 000fb910
204f1204 00000000
204f1208 0007319c
204f120c 0008da30
2048dde0 00000000
2048dde4 00000000
2070cfcc 00000000
2054c2a4 014a2280
215a8e24 00008004
215a8e28 00008005
215a8e2c 00008006
215a8e30 00008007
215a9130 00008010
215a9134 00008010
215a9124 08018011
215a8ef8 00008024
215a8efc 00008024
215a8fc0 0000800e
215a8fc4 00008006
215a8fc8 00008006
215a8fcc 00008006
215a8fd0 00008006
215a8f0c 0000801f
215a8f10 0000801d
Play as Dark riku with ultima -english patched iso
204ed5d4 00000001
204ed5d8 000733fc
204ed5dc 0021f640
204f1024 00000000
204f1028 0007383b
204f102c 000fa030
204ed634 00000000
204ed638 0007383b
204ed63c 000fa030
003f880f 000000FF
003f8810 000000FF
003f8811 000000FF
206af540 00000026
00fe00cc 00000007
213f6c00 00009000
213f6c04 00009001
213f6c08 00009002
213f6c0c 00009003
213f6c10 00009004
213f6c14 00009005
213f6c18 00009006
213f6c1c 00009007
213f6c24 00009004
213f6c28 00009005
213f6c2c 00009006
213f6c30 00009007
213f6f20 0000901e
213f6f24 0000901f
213f6f28 0000901d
213f6f2c 0000901e
213f6db8 00009015
213f6dbc 00009019
213f6dc0 00009015
213f6dc4 00009025
213f6dc8 00009025
213f6dcc 00009026
213f6dd0 00009027
213f6f30 0000901f
213f6f34 0000901d
213f6f38 0000901f
213f6f50 00009018
213f6f54 0000901d
213f6f58 0000901d
213f6f70 00009014
213f6d20 00009008
213f6d24 00009009
213f6d28 0000900a
213f6d2c 0000900b
213f6d30 0000900c
213f6d34 0000900d
213f6d38 0000900e
213f6d3c 0000900f
Play as Dark riku Narutosuperkubii version (could be english patched iso or not i dont remember)
003f880f 000000FF
003f8810 000000FF
003f8811 000000FF
204ed5d4 00000001
204ed5d8 000733fc
204ed5dc 0021f640
204ed634 00000000
204ed638 0007383b
204ed63c 000fa030
2054c1c8 01066300
2054c22c 01066300
213f6c00 58150000
213f6c04 58150001
213f6c08 58150002
213f6c18 00060006
213f6c24 58150004
213f6c28 58150005
213f6c2c 00060006
213f6c30 58150007
213f6dc4 58240025
213f6dc8 582c0025
213f6dcc 58240027
213f6dd0 58240026
213f6f50 58258018
213f6db8 58078015
213f6dbc 58078015
213f6db0 58078015
213f6f20 0000801e
213f6f24 0000801f
213f6f28 5804801d
213f6f2c 0000801e
213f6f30 0000801f
213f6f34 0000801d
213f6f38 0000801f
213f6f48 5805801d
213f6f4c 5805801d
213f6f54 5805801d
213f6f70 00068014
213f6c38 00008014
213f6c34 00008014
213f6cd8 58198020
213f6cf4 00068023
213f6cdc 58198021
213f6ce0 580b0028
213f6ce4 5829001b
213f6ce8 58178012
213f6cec 58178013
213f6cf0 002b001b
213f6cf8 0000001c
E001EFFF 004E42DC
213f6c00 0016001b
E001FEFF 004e42dc
213f6c04 58150011
E001FDFF 004e42dc
213f6c04 58150010
Play as Xemnas -unpatched iso
003f880f 000000FF
003f8810 000000FF
003f8811 000000FF
2048ddf0 00000000
2048ddf4 00000000
204ed5d4 00000001
204ed5d8 0007bd31
204ed5dc 00132b32
204ed634 00000000
204ed638 0007bf97
204ed63c 0013e030
2054c1c8 01072980
2054c22c 01072980
203f83b4 00510000
202e2fd0 00000015
21340d00 58020000
21340d04 58020001
21340d08 58020001
21340d10 58020009
21340d14 5802001f
21340d18 5802001f
21340d1c 58020020
21340d24 58020009
21340d28 5802001f
21340d2c 5802001f
21340d30 58020020
21340dd8 0000800a
21340df4 580f800b
21340ddc 582b801c
21340de0 581c801a
21340de4 58148008
21340de8 582a8019
21340dec 58010001
21340df0 5821801f
21340df8 00008008
21340ec4 58018018
21340ec8 58018018
21340ecc 58018018
21340ed0 58018018
21341050 580e800b
21341070 58028007
21341020 5808800d
21341024 5809800e
21341028 5808800d
2134102c 5809800e
21341048 5808800d
2134104c 5809800e
21341030 5809800e
21341034 5809800e
21340138 5809800e
21340154 5808800d
21340158 5809800e
Play as xemnas english patched iso
003f880f 000000FF
003f8810 000000FF
003f8811 000000FF
2048ddf0 00000000
2048ddf4 00000000
204ed5d4 00000001
204ed5d8 0007bdaa
204ed5dc 00132b32
204ed634 00000000
204ed638 0007c010
204ed63c 0013e030
2054c1c8 00000000
2054c22c 00000000
203f83b4 00510000
20541458 9d9a9d42
2054145c 009da69e
203e5c44 9d9a9d42
203e5c48 009da69e
205404d0 a190a434
205404d4 00000093
205404f8 949a9041
205404fc a194a59e
20540520 a1949d32
20540524 9fa2a896
20540528 94a19497
20540540 9b909435
20540544 00000000
20540558 a590a134
2054055c a2a8a398
20540560 00a39e97
20540570 949c9841
20540574 a39d9e92
20540578 009b9ea1
20540588 94959431
2054058c 0094a29d
205404b8 90a39e3b
205404bc 9b9890a5
205404c0 949b9190
20541810 949b9441
20541814 a3a19e9f
20541818 00000000
20541880 949b9441
20541884 a3a19e9f
20541888 00000000
21340d00 58020000
21340d04 58020001
21340d08 58020001
21340d10 58020009
21340d14 5802001f
21340d18 5802001f
21340d1c 58020020
21340d24 58020009
21340d28 5802001f
21340d2c 5802001f
21340d30 58020020
21340dd8 0000800a
21340df4 580f800b
21340ddc 582b801c
21340de0 581c801a
21340de4 58148008
21340de8 582a8019
21340dec 58010001
21340df0 5821801f
21340df8 00008008
21340ec4 58018018
21340ec8 58018018
21340ecc 58018018
21340ed0 58018018
21341050 580e800b
21341070 58028007
21341020 5808800d
21341024 5809800e
21341028 5808800d
2134102c 5809800e
21341048 5808800d
2134104c 5809800e
21341030 5809800e
21341034 5809800e
21340138 5809800e
21340154 5808800d
21340158 5809800e -
I don't really like posting incomplete or just to me useless codes but I don't really have the motivation to finish these and I don't think I ever will so I'm just gonna post em here for you guys if anyone wants to improve on these they can I ported some of em to FM so I will post there too. Load all of these from the main menu
Play as Anti Sora KH1
Code:003f2121 000000FF 204e6314 00000001 204e6318 000868f8 204e631c 000878eb 204e6374 00000001 204e6378 00086a08 204e637c 0005617e 204e9a04 00000001 204e9a08 00086a08 204e9a0c 0005617e 204e9a14 00000001 204e9a18 00086a08 204e9a1c 0005617e 204e9a24 00000001 204e9a28 00086a08 204e9a2c 0005617e 204e9a34 00000001 204e9a38 00086a08 204e9a3c 0005617e 20545384 01067200 205453dc 01067200 211414a4 00000003 211414a8 00000004 211414ac 00000005 211414b0 00000007 211417a0 00008012 211417a4 00008013 211417a8 00008014 211417ac 00008015 21141638 00008017 2114163c 00008017 21141640 00008017 211417b0 00008012 211417b4 00008016 211417b8 00008015 211417c8 00008015 211417cc 00008015 211417d0 00008019 211417d4 00008015 211417d8 00008016 211417f0 00008010
Fly everywhere fix
Code:204e6378 0006c7d2 204e637c 0016a42f 204e9a18 0006c7d2 204e9a1c 0016a42f 204e9a28 0006c7d2 204e9a2c 0016a42f 204e9a08 0006c7d2 204e9a0c 0016a42f 204e78f8 0006c7d2 204e78fc 0016a42f 204e9bc8 0006d3e1 204e9bcc 000e5230 204e79b8 0006d3e1 204e79bc 000e5230 204e6a58 0006d3e1 204e6a5c 000e5230 204e9ba8 0006d3e1 204e9bac 000e5230 204e9b98 0006deea 204e9b9c 000d7530 204e6ae8 0006deea 204e6aec 000d7530 204e9bd8 0006deea 204e9bdc 000d7530 204e7988 0006deea 204e798c 000d7530 E004EFFF 004DD49C 002C2570 00000008 002C0950 00000008 002c0e00 00000008 002c12b0 00000008
Welp guys this is the product of sheer boredom hope someone can put it to good use
Sora's Atlantica UCM
11ce1284 0000????
Donald's Atlantica UCM
11c3da94 0000????
Goofy's Atlantica UCM
11c3dc90 0000???? -
You do need pcsx2 1.2.1 (if you do not have it I believe renaming pcsx2 to pcsx2-r5875 works) -