Recent Content by Narutofanex

  1. Narutofanex
    Thanks! Just one more question. Is it possible to add dark aura to v5 riku?
    Post by: Narutofanex, May 16, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  2. Narutofanex
    riku code help

    I have a problem with the code to play as riku. I'm playing the original kh2, and im using a codebreaker. When i use the code, after i load my game, all i get is a black screen with the background music. I started a new game and i started with roxas as usual, but i had the shortcut menu as my main command list.(with jump and attack in it, as it's for riku.) I played as far as i could, but i got the black screen with BGM when i got valor form and the drive meter. Based on my findings, I think the problem is the drive meter. Can any1 help?
    Post by: Narutofanex, May 13, 2008 in forum: New Releases