Recent Content by Naraox

  1. Naraox
    And by "direct me to the code" I was hoping someone could give me a real answer as in what specific thread and page it's on instead of looking through thousands of pages. Thanks.
    Post by: Naraox, Feb 8, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Naraox
    Could someone post or direct me to the code Antiform w/ keyblades for a codebreaker please? Thanks a bunch everyone.
    Post by: Naraox, Feb 2, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Naraox
    Graceful Assassin

    Marluxia is my favorite just because of his power, and his coolness. He easily manipulates others and outclasses many of the other Organization Members.
    Post by: Naraox, Jan 26, 2010 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX