Recent Content by Nananya

  1. Nananya
    Since when does KH-Vids no longer send emails for PMs? Anyway, I fixed what I was missing. Would have been nice to have gotten that message in here instead of PMs, it would have saved me a couple of days' worth of checking back to this topic.
    Post by: Nananya, Apr 24, 2013 in forum: OOC Lounge
  2. Nananya
    I'm creating an account here just to join this, in the hopes that it will be entertaining. It's been quite some time since I last participated in any decent roleplays, so do be kind if I'm not up to par with the better writers anymore ;_;

    Username: Nananya
    Name: Ell Fail
    Age: 27
    Appearance: Sky-colored strands of hair hang just above lavender eyes, spreading out to shaggy ends on either side running down to the his neck in the back. His slender frame, trained only for movement, would never be considered that of a "warrior's," though Ell's quickness makes him a more than capable adversary in a battle. A white T-shirt and white cloth pants cover his five foot, eight inch body, though he wears no shoes as he believes they would lessen his grip on whatever he stands on, thus making it impossible to achieve top speed.

    Personality: Cheerful and energetic, Ell is always ready to try something new. Even so, he tends to get defensive easily, and is stubborn to the point of violence at times. At a constant conflict with himself on how to act, he sees fun in mischief, but is often unable to actually do anything "mean" because he can't help but imagine the feelings of the victims. He loves to have fun, and is kind to anyone that hasn't wronged him. Of course, if he does feel that he has been wronged by somebody, he is quick to plot his revenge, and just as quick to act on it if given the chance. He's easily annoyed, and certain demeanors are quick to bring him to his limit. He tends to be blunt with his words and quick with his actions, not one to waste time trying to get to know somebody he's already deemed worthless.

    Homeworld: Arena Sea

    Path chosen: With a clear reliance on speed, the chosen path for Ell was that of the Hunter.
    Path sacrificed: Given that, though, he has sacrificed the true strength of the Warrior, tending to go for quick strikes and hit-and-run tactics in battle.

    What's most important to you? Fun things are fun.
    What do you want outta life? Entertainment, wealth.
    What are you afraid of? Losing.
    Keyblade: Kingdom Key.

    KHSOS: Awakening


    Edit: Given that it was 4 AM, I seem to have missed an important detail my post. That's been corrected.
    Post by: Nananya, Apr 14, 2013 in forum: OOC Lounge